Calm Before The Battle

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Y/n's P.O.V
There's that saying the calm before the storm, but in my case, it's the calm before the battle.

You might be thinking, what is that battle is about, and who were battling.

Well, we're preparing for the assault on the Celestial Realm, going up against Celestial armies, most likely the Jade Emperor, and probably something more.

Being reincarnated as the Monkey Queen, you might think it is all fun and games, but no.

The freaking universe had to reincarnate me right at the time before the assault on the Celestial Realm and get trapped under a mountain for 500 years.

Thank you, universe, thank you. Round of applause. Couldn't reincarnate me after these events, but before. The universe is ever so kind.

You want to know what I've been doing all this time. I'm trying to play along with all of this, but I should've known the universe would've found another way to screw me over.

As if me resting in peace wasn't enough.

The only good thing that came out of this so far was the adorable baby monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain.

They're just so cute and cuddly, mischievous sometimes too, but mostly cute and cuddly.

Then we have Macaque, just like LMK. He was my best friend, though his actions toward me don't feel friend-like.

Macaque likes to come up behind me sometimes and lift up my boobs, trying to tease me.

Let's just say the teasing works because my face would turn redder than a tomato.

I then realize it's almost that time of the year monkeys do the thing, and by thing, you should know what that means, and if you don't, it's better for you not to know.

Other than that, Macaque has been really good. He likes to take me nice walks on Flower Fruit Mountain's beach, come out of nowhere and scare me, and tackle me to the ground.

I will admit, my heart starts beating whenever he's around, when he looks at me, when he smiles at me, and when he touches me.

I blush and regret that statement.

Azure Lion seems gentle, but when it's time for battle, he protects what he cares about. It's too bad he suffers a terrible fate many years in the future because he was too blind to see the truth.

Though Azure likes to check on me from time to time. Looks like Macaque wasn't the only one who noticed I was acting weird.

DBK is cool. He's like the big brother someone always wanted. He may seem tough, but he's just a big softy, especially when he's about to meet PIF soon.

Yellowtusk is pretty chill. He's logical and knows what's the right thing to do in any situation  except for this one.

Then there's Peng. I straight-up don't like them. They're annoying and a pain in the a##. I wish I could just cook them and turn them into a chicken for everyone to eat.

"Everyone's waiting for you outside." Macaque appears behind me, doing his usual thing.

"Ah!" I jumped away from him. "Could you give me a moment? I am in my underwear right now. Get out!"

"I'll just turn around." Macaque turns around.

"I said leave, not turn around." I sighed. "Fine, stay that way, but the moment you turn around before I say so, I'm not talking to you ever again."

"Whatever you say, your majesty." Macaque chuckles.

"Yeah, you better say your majesty, I'm the queen." I mumbled to myself while I gathered my clothes.

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