Fighting Spirit

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Y/n's P.O.V
About a month has gone by since this journey started.

The beginning of it was tough, but it got a little better over time.

The monk, Táng Sanzang, I could barely tolerate at this point, but now, ever since we got somebody that can cook us food so we didn't constantly eat fish and berries all the time, I have been able to tolerate them more.

I guess the term Tangry applies to both Táng and Tang.

Zhu Bajie made these noodles last week that just tasted divine.

There has been less use of the circlet, too. Even though the monk refuses to fight, it looks like he finally realized talking isn't the solution to everything and that violence sometimes needs to be used to get a point through.

Ao Lie, my best friend and precious little brother figure and bean. Everything he does is just so adorable that I can't help but squeal and hug him every time he does something, but when someone even so does something as look at me where they're not supposed to, that person we'll either get a threat as a warning or you can't find them the next day.

That's Ao Lie for you. He's mostly a cinnamon roll, but when it's time to fight, oh boy, you better run, cause there ain't no hiding from the precious bean.

Zhu Bajie, everything has tasted a while a lot better since he joined. I will say he does have some anger issues.

One time, I accidentally called him Piglet, and he got mad at me for that. I quickly apologized, and everything was alright. Zhu Bajie even made some noodles to lighten the mood.

If the mood is ever dreary or bad, he knows how to bring it up and makes me want to kill the monk less and less, especially if the monk is using the circlet less now.

We, minus the monk, still like to do our own thing together.

Many times, when we're staying at a village for the night, the three of us wait for the monk to fall asleep, then we leave the inn we are sleeping in, and find some stuff to do, or shenanigans.

Surprisingly, I'm quite shocked myself that the monk hasn't gotten kidnapped while we're out.

Don't get the idea that he doesn't get kidnapped anymore. He still does, just less frequently than usual.

Which currently brings us to this underground fighting pit, me, Ao Lie, and Zhu Bajie are currently in.

"You sure coming down here was a good idea?" Zhu Bajie said.

"Yeah, it's totally fine. The monk doesn't even realize we're gone, and besides, he was sleeping before we snuck out." I told him.

"Relax, Zhu Bajie, as long as we don't cause any trouble or fights, again..." Ao Lie rubs his head. "We should be fine."

"Thankfully, the monk didn't catch us." I said, looking at the two figures fighting below. "This fight seems to be dragging on."

The two guys that were currently fighting weren't even throwing good enough punches. They were slapping each other like little sissy's.

"They're slapping each like little sissy's." Ao Lie commented.

"You read my mind." I spoke up.

"Let's get out of here. This place stinks." Zhu Bajie suggested.

"Great suggestion, let's go." I said as the three of us got up.

As we made our way to the exit, we were stopped by a man, probably the man that runs this underground fighting pit.

"I see you're leaving early. I hear in the next village over, in the forest beside the village, there's a clearing where an upcoming fight is going to be, and one of the fighters over there is a real monster." The man told us.

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