The End Is Here

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Y/n's P.O.V
I was packing a suitcase, filling it stuff I'm going to need for this mission I'm going on, and the monkeys were helping me while MK was stressing.

"What do you mean vacation?" MK said, ignoring his buzzing phone.

"MK, kiddo. I promised myself that when I found a successor, I'd go see some friends, take a tour of my old stomping grounds, just to relax, you know. Ooh, gonna need these." I put a pair of fancy sunglasses on.

"But you can't just leave! What if some attacks the city? What if the Spider Queen comes back?!" MK panics and stresses out.

I frowned at him. I want to tell him why I'm leaving, but he'll just stress himself out more than he already has, and I don't want to see him like that.

I placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, kid. Just take deep breaths, and everything will be alright. You've come a long way, and I'm proud of you for that, but there are going some situations where I'm not going to be there."

"But I don't want you to leave." He clung to my waist like all the monkeys do when they knew I was going somewhere.

"Don't worry, bud." I gave him a big hug before pulling away. "I'll check in on you now and then, give you some remote training tools, and I'm sure you'll figure it out. I'll be back before you know." I summoned my cloud beneath my feet, grabbing my suitcase.

"See you soon, buddy!" I waved bye to him as I blasted off into the sky on my cloud.

I'll be back, bud. I promise everything will be alright.

I'm going to protect you and everyone else, and no one will get hurt on my watch ever again.

I jumped off my cloud, looking at my current location.

I let out a small chuckle. "I'm back, Celestial Realm."

I started walking in the direction I needed to go. "This gonna take a while."

It's been like a few days since I left MK to find a way to stop her, I really don't know how to track time in the Celestial Realm, but now there is one teensy tiny little problem.

I was fighting with these giant dudes who were eating, and one of them just happened to have to drop a giant dumpling down to the mortal realm by accident.

"You stay right where you are." I looked at the giant, making him freeze in fear.

It's time to check on MK with some astral projection.

I breathed in and out and focused on contacting MK.

"MK, hello? Can you hear me, kiddo?" I called out.

"Monkey Queen?" MK looks at my astral projection form.

"There you are, bud." I looked at him.

"Did I die? Have I died? What's happening to me?! Is this what dying is like?" MK starts freaking out.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just some telepathic communication and a little bit of astral projection." I told him. "It's never hurt anybody before... I think."

"I heard that!" MK said.

"Whoops." I chuckled lightly. "Everything is fine, kiddo, there's just one little problem."

He ran outside with his friends, gazing at a giant dumpling in the sky.

"So, that's the problem. Me and the boys got into a bit of a food fight up here in the Celestial Realm, and I need you to destroy the dumpling before it falls down to the Earth and destroys everything." I explained to MK.

Reincarnated As The Monkey QueenWhere stories live. Discover now