Monk Meat

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Y/n's P.O.V
A few weeks had passed since this journey to the west had started, and I'm about to go crazy from the monk.

He's constantly saying no violence, talking is better, not to mention any time Ao Lie and I eat, he always has to mention eating meat is an unvirtous act against the body.

I'm on my limits with him already. I'm like, okay, dude, just because your vegetarian doesn't mean everyone here is, you eat your stupid berries, and we'll eat our meat.

Why couldn't I have time travel powers? I could've just skipped to the future where I meet Tang, not Táng Sanzang.

Thankfully, since Ao Lie decided to go on this journey with us, I've been able to keep my sanity most of the time.

Currently, the three of us are walking through a swamp.

We stopped at a pond to take a break.

"Here should be good to rest a little bit." Táng said as we stopped walking.

"Thank goodness." I plopped down on the ground. "I feel like we've been walking around for decades."

Ao Lie chuckles, sitting down as well. "Are you always this dramatic?"

"Yep." I pulled out some roasted fish on a stick for me and Ao Lie. "Here you go."

Ao Lie started munching down on our fish.

"It's good, but eating fish constantly will eventually get tiring." Ao Lie commented.

"Would you two be silent for a little bit? I am trying to meditate." Táng spoke up, sitting in a criss-cross position.

I stood up. "Hey, don't talk to him like that."

"Apologies, but a quiet environment is more preferable for meditation." Táng said before going back to meditating.

"That monk..." I raised my fist.

Ao lie puts my hand down. "Let's find somewhere so he can have his quiet."

"Fine." I grumbled to myself. "No wonder the monk doesn't have any friends."

Me and Ao Lie walked a bit away from Táng so he could have his so-called quiet.

We were out of his sight and hearing range, but we didn't go too far because I still had to protect the monk.

"So, tell me more about this guy?" Ao Lie says, sitting on a boulder, waving his legs back, and forth.

"Like what?" I sat down beside the boulder.

"His name? Anything about him." Ao Lie suggests.

"Hmm..." I hummed. "His name I won't tell, but I can tell you what he was like."

"Ooo, details, give me the details." Ao Lie said eagerly.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling. "You're nosy, but okay. He was tough. He  didn't hold back when training. He's gentle in his own way, but when it came to one particular bird demon, he would always rant to me how he wants to cook them in a pot after he plucks off all their feathers."

"You know a lot about him. How long have you two known each other?" Ao Lie asks.

"Let's see, if I remember correctly, it was a few ears after I was born from a stone, then years later, we met our other friends. I'd estimate about a couple hundred years." I shrugged.

"Ooo, cool." Ao Lie sighs. "You think we should check on the monk."

I sighed as well. "Yeah..."

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