Battle And The Punishment

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Y/n's P.O.V

We charged at the incoming Celestial armies.

"Macaque! Guy, on your six!" I shouted, pushing a guy away with my staff.

Macaque punched the guy. "I don't know if that was supposed to be a pun or if you were actually being serious."

"They don't call you the Six-Eared Macaque for nothing." I laughed, knocking some of the army out.

"This is no time for jokes." Yellowtusk says, swiping his mallet at the army. "I suggest a flanking maneuver."

"Good idea, Yellowtusk!" I panted before shouting. "Yellowtusk, you attack from the right, Peng, attack from the left, me, Macaque, and Azure will attack from the middle."

Peng and Yellowtusk got into position, swiping their weapons at the enemy.

"Macaque, some shadow clones, please. I'll make some clones myself so the armies we'll have more to fight, that way it'll distract them." I plucked some hairs out.

"On it, peaches." Macaque summoned some shadow clones.

"No time for nicknames." I said, pushing through the army.

"Rah!" I hear DBK's shouting.

I look to see DBK bashing his way through the Celestial armies.

"I'll go help DBK. You two stay here and keep holding them back!" I said to Macaque and Azure.

"Anything for you, my queen." Azure swung his saber.

"We got it here, go." Macaque grunts, throwing a guy off of him.

I nodded, summoning my cloud, and quickly zoomed over to DBK.

"You fools dare to challenge me?!" DBK growls, plucking each guy off one by one.

I see someone come up behind DBK, raising a spear to attack him.

"Oh, no, you don't!" I grabbed the guy, throwing him and knocking down some more of the army.

"Need some help?" I appeared in front of DBK.

"I can handle myself, simian." DBK grumbles as he continues to fight.

"You sure, cause it looks like you could use some help." I smirked.

"Just get to the Jade Emperor's palace. The rest of us will hold the Celestial armies off." DBK says.

"You got, but I think you should go after Princess Iron Fan. She's a keeper." I whispered that last part before heading for the palace on my cloud.

As I zoomed for the palace, I was knocked off my cloud.

"If you think I will let you pass, you are sorely mistaken, Y/n." Nezha stood in front of me, his spear at his side.

"Nezha, don't tell me you went through the battlefield to fight little ole' me." I leaned on my staff.

"I am giving you one chance for you and your friends to surrender." Nezha pointed his spear at me. "Or fave the consequences."

I already know the consequences I'm going to get, but did the universe let be reincarnated after, no...

"You know I can't do that, Nezha." I gripped my staff.

"Then I have no choice." Nezha launches himself at me.

"Shouldn't have done that." I grabbed his ribbon, spinning him around, and wrapped him in it.

"Y/n, stop!" Nezha struggles. "The Jade Emperor can't be dethroned!"

I sighed. "Relax, Lotus Prince. I know I'm going to lose, plus I know he can't."

"What?" Nezha looked at me with pure confusion. "Then why do all of this?"

"For me to know, and you to not." I pushed past the entrance to the palace, making my way to the throne room.

In the throne room, the Jade Emperor looked at me with an imposing expression.

"If you have come to take the throne, you are sure to lose." The Jade Emperor said.

I smirked. "I know, but it doesn't hurt to go without a fight."

I jumped up in the air, and my staff raised high above my head, charging at the Jade Emperor.

Ultimately, I failed, and lost.

Just like I told myself, I knew this was going to happen, and I accepted my fate.

So here I am, trapped under and inside the mountain of five elements or phases, I could never remember.

My bottom half sticking out on one end, while my front out the other.

"Yo. Hey, peaches. I got you a little something." Macaque appears through a shadow portal, holding a peach.

I didn't say anything, a stoic expression on my face.

"Come on, where's that Monkey Queen spirit you had." Macaque tossed the peach up and down. "You know, like you had during the battle before you failed, when I explicitly told you that it was a bad idea."

I still didn't say anything, refusing to look at him.

"Not going to talk, I know how to make you talk." Macaque walks out of view before I felt an aggressive tug on my tail.

"Hey!" I snapped at him.

"So you finally decide to talk." Macaque walks back in front of me, holding the peach in front of my face. "Got the peach right here for you."

"Could you stop, please?" I begged with a tired expression. "I'm not in the mood for this."

"You know I'd help if I could." Macaque sat down on the stoney ground.

"I don't care, just run off like you always do." I said with sadness in my tone.

"No, that's you!" Macaque growls. "You've been acting different for a while now, and you're the one who's always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality! You're the one who wouldn't quit while we were ahead! Not the Great Sage, she's gotta drag everyone else into his mess! I warned you many and multiple times."

"At least you're free." I looked away from him. "I tried to do it for you, for us!"

"You did it for yourself. You become like this... obsessive demon! I told you going against the Jade Emperor was a bad idea, but no, Y/n doesn't listen to anyone. She just does whatever she wants! You put yourself here, not me." Macaque crushed the peach on the ground.

Tears started to roll down my face, I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what.

"Oh, is the great Monkey Queen crying?" Macaque held up my chin, making me look at him. "It's rich, seeing you looking all pathetic like this."

"Just leave." I jerked my head out of his hand.

"Fine." Macaque stood up before disappearing through a shadow portal.

"Aaaahhhh!" I screamed out, my screams echoing through the mountain. "I really wanted that peach."

A/n-It is done, hope you enjoyed, but the next chapter, Y/n might be getting a new accessory, 500 years later.

Have a good day or night.

Next Up: The Monk.

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