Losing A Friend, Maybe Something More

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Y/n's P.O.V
It had been about a week since Sha Wujing joined us, and all I have to say is that he's an absolute sweetheart.

He still has violent impulses from being treated like a monster, but he taught himself to do breathing exercises and stretching.

Another thing, we just called him Wujing for short since calling him by his full name, Sha Wujing seems too much to say, or Sha, he's fine with either.

Wujing absolutely loves Zhu Bajie's cooking. The same goes for the monk, Ao Lie, and me.

Just yesterday, Zhu Bajie made this hot and sour soup that made me want to melt the moment my taste buds touched it.

All of us chowed down on it like there was no tomorrow, but now we have to go into a village so Zhu Baije can get more ingredients.

"I think I see the village up ahead." I spoke up.

The others perk up after walking for hours.

It was only about 9:30 in the morning, but we had to get up early so we could get a headstart to the next village.

As we walked into the village, we saw villagers setting up decorations like banners, streamers, ribbon, there was even a stage for a small and to play on.

"Woah, what are they doing?" Ao Lie looks around in awe.

"Looks like a festival is going on." Wujing spoke up.

"Yeah, but what for?" Zhu Baije said.

"Oh, we're celebrating the 20th year our village was made." A villager with a bad bowl cut appeared. "It lasts for 2 to 3 days."

"Monk..." I slowly turned my head. "Can we go to the festival."

"Ah!" Táng jumps as Ao Lie, Zhu Bajie, Wujing, and me were all huddled together, giving him a pleading face.

"Please..." We all said.

"I, uh..." Táng stutters.

"Pretty please, plus, how can you say no to this face." I said, holding Ao Lie's face while we all gave him the puppy-dog eyes.

"Fine..." Táng sighs.

"YES!" We all cheered.

"But, we need to get checked into an inn if we're going to stay the full 2 to 3 days." Táng told us.

"Done!" I immediately said.

Once we had checked into an inn, we all had our separate rooms, and we started exploring the village, looking at all the games they had planned for the festival.

"Woah, this place looks amazing." I gasped in awe.

"Now, if we want to have fun with our full potential, I suggest we split up and explore on our own." Táng said to us.

"Wait, you alone? What if you get kidnapped again?" I asked him.

Táng clears his throat and has an embarrassed look on his face while he adjusts his fancy hat. "Just listen for my screams, now go have fun."

We all zoomed off, prepared to have fun at this festival.

We all split up so we could do our own thing. Of course, we made plans to meet back up in the center of the village later.

I looked around for something to do, and then I found a game that caught my eye.

There was a man at a stand, hosting a fingers out game.

"Guess how many fingers I'm holding up behind my back and win this golden necklace." The man held up a simple golden-colored necklace.

By the looks of it, it was probably fake, but I'm here to have fun.

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