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Y/n's P.O.V
I sat on my cloud, watching as MK hammered at the wall with the great companions and the monk on it.

"You know, when I found out I was going to be trained by the Monkey Queen, Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, I had no idea that I'd be stuck here hammering walls 12 hours a day. Why am I doing this again?" MK wipes the sweat off his forehead, setting the hammer.

"So I can get that monk's ugly face out of here, just hit his face, not the others." I told him.

"But I'm meant to be Monkie Kid. Not Construction Boy. How am I supposed to do the hero stuff if I don't know the fighting stuff?" MK complained.

I smirked at him. "Oh? So you want to know the "fighting stuff," huh?  Like this?"

My eyes glowed gold before I threw the staff and smashed a hole in the mural.

"Huh?  Whoa. Yes, exactly like that. I am ready for some awesome." MK said eagerly and excitedly.

I chuckled a little. "Look, kiddo. You can't rush this stuff. You'll get there."

"But this isn't practice." MK lowered his head.

"MK, look at me." I lifted up his chin. "You're not ready to learn stuff like that yet. It's too much for your body if you don't take it slow. Here's a piece of advice, step into the strike."

MK's phone rang, and he answered. "A monster attacking the city? That's terrible. Dang. Guess I got to go do some boring hero stuff instead of this. Okay, bye."

I furrowed my eyes suspiciously as he left.

He's not ready to learn that stuff. He needs to be patient and practice so he can work his way up to that.

"You're almost there, just another push." A midwife said to me.

I grunted and pushed with all my might after pushing for so long until I was finally able to sigh in relief.

"What is it?" I panted, lying in a bed.

"It's a boy, but..." The midwife drags out.

"But what?" I asked, taking notice of how quiet it was in this room, too quiet. "Why isn't he crying? What's wrong?"

I sat up in bed as the midwife placed the child in my arms.

"He was born still, I'm sorry." The midwife said before leaving the room.

Tears flooded my eyes as I looked at the lifeless bundle in my arms. He was about the size of my hand. No movement, not even an ounce of breath.

I noticed that he looked just like Macaque. It's sad Macaque isn't here to see him, and what's even sadder is that I can't even tell whose eyes he would've had.

"Char, that's your name." I held him close to my chest as I let out sob after sob.

Macaque's P.O.V
I teleported to Flower Fruit Mountain using my shadow portal, and then I hid myself in the shadows and snuck my way into her house.

I made my way into her bedroom, stepping out of the shadows.

There she was, sleeping peacefully.

"I'll have my revenge on you for what you did, and your successor is the key to that." I reached my hand out to stroke her face, but pulled my hand back when she started sobbing in her sleep.

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