The White Horse Dragon

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Y/n's P.O.V
I snored, sleeping peacefully, but alas, that peace was surely interrupted.

The sound of a crash woke me up from my slumber.

I opened my eyes, seeing Yin and Jin trying to kidnap Táng Sanzang again.

"You two, again." I stood up, summoning my staff. "I thought last night would've taught you guys a lesson."

"Well, we're back, and now we have powerful weapons." Yin says, holding a stick, and Jin a rock.

"Wow." I said sarcastically. "A stick and a rock, so powerful. Just drop the monk, and eating him will not make you immortal."

"Actually, that is true." Táng spoke up.

"Quite, you're not helping." I glared at Táng. "Put him down, I just got released from a mountain yesterday after 500 years, and I have this on my head." I gestured to the circlet. "So, drop the monk before I drop-kick the both of you across the world."

"Hmm." Jin thinks about it. "No."

I spun my staff around. "Your funeral."

I grumbled, crossing my arms as me and my so-called master walked across a bridge over some water.

"Was the use of the circlet really necessary back there?" I broke the silence, my brow twitching.

"There are better ways to solve a situation than with violence." Táng commented.

"I just saved your a##, again! For like the 22nd time! They wouldn't let go of you, so I drop-kicked their a##es." I shouted at him.

"Across the world? With violence?" He looks at me.

"Are you kidding me?!" I stressfully pulled out my hair. "How else was I supposed to save you?! I warned them, I gave them multiple chances, and this is the second time they kidnapped you!"

"Talking to them would've been a better solution." He held his head up.

"I tried talking to them at first, you son of a --."

I was interrupted mid-scentence as water from the stream was standing over, making a loud splash.


A figure jumped out, landing on the railing of the bridge.

It was a man, and he had a light creamy green-colored robe on, his eyes matching his robe, white hair with green snippets on the side, and a baby face.

"Hello there." He greeted with a smile.

My eyes widened, knowing who he was.

"May I ask who you are?" Táng looked at the man.

"My name is Ao Lie the White Horse Dragon of the West." Ao Lie bowed.

"Nice to meet you, Ao Lie." I greeted him.

"Woah." Ao Lie looked at me with stars in his eyes. "You're beautiful."

I lightly squealed, hugging. "Thank you, you're adorable."

"You're welcome." Ao Lie chuckles as he pulled away.

I silently screamed on the inside.

The precious bean must be protected at all costs, no matter what.

"I heard your guys argument, and I was curious about what you're doing." Ao Lie tilted his head curiously.

"Me and my companion are on a journey of enlightenment." Táng told the precious bean.

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