Revenge Of The Spider Queen

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Y/n's P.O.V
Me and MK were at my Shame Temple, training together, and it was also Lunar New Year.

"You call this a training session? I've barely broken a sweat." MK said, spinning the say around.

"A battle is no place to be arrogant, you gotta stay humble." I dodged MK's attack as I jumped off the staff.

"Says you?" MK said, pushing me near the edge of the cliff. "Hah, who's gotta be humble?"

"Forgive me for this." I smirked. "Still you."

I kicked the staff off of MK and launched it at the mountain, making rocks form.

"Oh boy." MK said as rocks fell on top of him.

I pulled MK out of the rock slide with my tail. "Okay, class commencing, how'd I win?" I brushed MK's clothes off.

"Uh, you buried me under a rock slide?" MK says.

"Yes, but why were you standing in the way of a rock slide?" I asked him cheekily.

"Cause you put me there!" MK pouts.

"No, that's not it, kiddo. I got you where I wanted you by putting myself where you wanted me, it's called misdirection." I said dramatically.

"Seems like a shady lesson." MK adds.

I crossed my arms, looking away. "Too soon, buddy."

"Ugh, I'm never gonna be as good as you." MK whines.

"Not with that attitude. Class dismissed!" I told him as I brought actual pillows and actual food.

"Yes! I better hit it, I was supposed to meet Mei and the others for the fes--." MK paused as I threw a pillow at his face.

I sat two pillows down, setting trays of food in between.

"Hey! Whoa. How long have you been preparing this?" MK gasps in awe at the set-up.

"Come on, it's New Year's, bud, and the food is getting cold." I pat the pillow next to me.

"Sure, I'd love to." MK sat beside. "Ooo, are those sticky rice balls?"

"Sure are." I picked one up and gave it to him. "Enjoy it because it took me forever with Chongo and Peanut eating every new batch I made."

MK took a bite, stars appearing in this eye. "This is delicious!"

I chuckled, eating one myself. "It's even better with soy sauce on it."

A little bit later, MK and I watched the fireworks together.

"Happy New Year!" We both shouted.

I sighed happily. "Fireworks, one of the best things humans have ever made."

"Yeah." MK sighs peacefully.

A few moments later, the fireworks had stopped.

Me and MK used our gold vision to see Spider Queen attacking the city.

"The city!" MK shouted.

"Spider Queen, been a long time since I've seen her." I mumbled.

"Alright, I'll go take care of business." MK whips out the staff.

I summoned my cloud, grabbing MK as we flew off to the city. "Nobody messes with my New Year's. Let's go!"

Back in the city, it was overrun by spider bots infecting the citizens, and Spider Queen's gaint walking fortress.

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