The Monk

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Y/n's P.O.V
500 years, 500 lonely years later.

Macaque had stopped visiting after that one time, so I had no one to talk to.

I've been by myself for so long, and I'm surprised I haven't gone crazy yet.

Every day, I would cry tears because of this loneliness. The nights were just as bad, and I couldn't even tell if it was day or night.

All I know is that I've been sad and alone for so long that it's hard not to cry anymore.

I would make a clone of myself to talk to, but my arms are restricted, just like my body, so I can't pluck out a few hairs to have someone to talk to, even if that someone would have been just a clone of myself.

Here I am, alone all by myself, no one here, and no one to talk to.

Just by myself, nothing to keep my sane from this, and who knows how much longer it'll be like this?

I don't, but the universe freaking does.

Of all people, you could reincarnate, you chose me. Me of all freaking people, and what did you reincarnate me as?

The freaking Monkey Queen, when it was supposed to be a Monkey King.

Not that I'm complaining about my figure, I think I look sexy. I'm complaining at your timing universe. You couldn't have picked the worst time to reincarnate me.

Now I don't know how long it's been. Hopefully, 500 years have passed by now, but if that happens, I get the freaking circlet put on my head by that stupid monk that almost gets eaten every time you turn away.

"I'm not sure whether to hate this life more or my life before." I sighed, closing my eyes.

"All by myself..." I hummed to myself, my ears twitching.

I kept hearing hearing scrapes against the ground, coming closer by the second.

"Okay, is dragging your feet on the ground really necessary?" I snapped my eyes open, only to see a man in a fancy hat and robes, holding a khakkhara. "Aw, great, it's you."

He lifted his hand, not saying anything as a golden sigil appeared in his hand, a golden light filling the inside of the mountain.



The mountain broke apart, freeing me.

"What?" I looked at my hands. "I'm free."

The man approached me, no clear expression on his face. "Y/n, the Monkey Queen, I am Táng Sanzang. You have been given another chance, but you have been ordered to follow and protect me on my journey."

"Hah! Protect you?" I scoffed, turning away. "As if, I'm free now, bye."

I jumped up in the air, only to fall back down in pain.

"Ugh!" I held my head, feeling a cold metal around my head. "What is this?"

"There have been tales of your rage for years. The circlet is there to keep you in check." Táng Sanzang said.

My eyes widened, clawing at the circlet, grunting as it tightened. "Get it off!"

"I am sorry to do this to you, and once the journey is over, it'll come off." Táng Sanzang told me.

I sweated, looking up at him. "How long will this journey take?"

"No one can ever tell how long a journey to enlightenment and self-discovery will be." He explained.

Reincarnated As The Monkey QueenWhere stories live. Discover now