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Aera jumped on her place when Yn suddenly shouted.

Aera: o-ok as you wish. You can give me your ice-cream as well.
Yn: no way. Get Your Own

Aera: you are saying as if I ask for your kidney.
Yn: i can give you my kidney but not my ice-cream.

Yn said as her lips formed a pout making Aera facepalm herself.

Aera: friendship day is coming soon.

Yn: it's overmorrow.

Aera: you better give me band just because we are sisters now doesn't mean you won't give me band.
Yn: okie dokie

Aera laugh hearing yn she look at the pikachu plushy and played with it then got bored looking around except for books, alarm clock and pikachu nothing was interesting in the room.

The books were also non-fictional, informative books which aren't Aera's type.

She found yn's room boring.

Aera: yn, there is nothing interesting in your room. What you do whole day.
Yn: I paint, watch pokemon mostly in living room, play with tan and study.

Aera: you mostly stay in your room.

Yn: You can check those books.

Aera: you know they aren't my type.
Yn: I do but you are saying you are getting bored.

Aera: don't you have toys.
Yn: no.

Yn turned around in Aera's direction hearing something falling down but it was some one. Aera, who was on the small swing of the room till now got unbalanced and had fall down.

Yn make her stand as Aera let out wince. Her leg got twisted.

Yn: are you ok?

Aera: yeah
Yn: how did you fall down?
Aera: because of you.... I mean, i got surprised when you say you don't have toys. Girl how you pass time

Yn covered her ears hissing at the loud voice. Aera lowered down her voice but maybe it was to late because jin just asked yn to open the door.
When she did the eight men surrounded her asking her the cause of the loud sound.

Aera: it's because I fell down.
Jhope: are you ok
Aera: yeah
Mr. Kim:but how did you fall?
Yn: she saw a lizard.

Aera passed a weird look to yn on which yn gave pleading eyes to Aera. Namjoon and taehyung checked Aera to find any injury but wasn't able to.

Yn closed the door when all of them exit releasing a breath.

She collected everything and kept them on it's place.

In evening

Mrs. Kim returned from office and engulfed Aera into a hug giving her a packet of chocolate.

While sitting on the kitchen slab, yn was eating ice cream while yoongi was cooking. Jin assigned her to make sure, he won't sleep while cooking.

Aera: yn, look mom got me chocolate. But what about you.

Yn: ynie don't like chocolate they are bad for health. Ynie loves ice cream.

Yn said again licking on the spoon and giving a teasing smile to Aera who pout scoffing at yn's words.

Yoongi shook his head in disbelief hearing yn's logic. Who will believe, this girl is a topper and a math genius of her class after seeing how she behaves sometimes but it's also fine, she barely behaves like an actual kid.

Yn giggled seeing Aera's dress getting messed up.

Then look at her own and laughed more because her dress was totally clean.

Aera pout finishing her chocolate she went to change her clothes.

Yn look at yoongi when her Ice-cream got finished asking for more.

Yoongi: no more
Yn: why, me will give you reward.

Yoongi: what reward.

Yn: uhmmmm yes I'll let you sleep without telling anyone.

Yoongi scoffed, he loves sleep but not this much.

Yoongi: no need. It's already dinner time.

Yn jump down from kitchen counter keeping the bowl in sink then raised her hands in front of yoongi to make her sit on the slab again.

He sighed before doing as she asked.

After the food was prepared, he set the dining table putting yn down.

During dinner, They were talking about their day when Mr. Kim remembered about the call and asked Mrs. Kim.

Mrs. Kim: oh, I was about to tell you to just keep yn inside but unfortunately battery died. Till I was able to charge it. The thunderstorm had stopped.

Mr. Kim nod getting convinced.

Aera: but mom you didn't brought chocolate for yn.
Mrs. Kim: because she doesn't like chocolates.

Aera decided to ask being suspicious but Mrs. Kim was already prepared for it.

Aera opened her mouth to speak again but yn hold her hand asking her to stop here already.

After dinner, they all left to their rooms to sleep.

Next morning

When yn get down, she was surprised to see her mother in kitchen. She turned her way to leave but jin stopped her asking her to come fast for breakfast.

His voice was sounding more energetic and happy than ever.

She reached to the dining area and sat down.

Her mother arrived holding a dish in her hand passing a smile to yn.

Shivers ran down her spine seeing her mother smiling towards her.

Mrs. Kim: how was your sleep.
Yn: go-good.

Yn got goosebumps when Mrs. Kim kissed her forehead.

Mrs. Kim: I cook for you all.

She served everyone and sat, yn look at her mother and a small smile appeared on her face.

Maybe and just maybe her mother has started liking her.

She finished all the things getting set to go school.

Mrs. Kim bid all of them bye. During the whole ride, yn was smiling ear to ear.

In class

The three girls were discussing about friendship day and bands.

Sanaya: you both are so lucky that you got loving brothers. My brothers are chimpanzee.
Aera: you don't know, oppa love me alot but they fight me too sometimes and can be annoying.

Sanaya: what about you yn?
Yn: oppa are good, they give me ice-cream.
Aera: she'll call a kidnapper good too if they give her ice-cream

Aera said passing a disbelief look to yn who just shrug her shoulder having zero trust over herself.

To Be Continued

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