chapter 11: will to succeed

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At the bar...

As the night unfolded at the bar, filled with surprises and lively enjoyment, Sarah found herself caught up in the whirlwind of bartending duties. Amidst the music and laughter, her classmates Suzzy, Jannah, and Calla unexpectedly spotted her behind the counter.

Their raised eyebrows and whispered remarks didn't escape Sarah's notice. She overheard Suzzy mutter, "Well, well, look who's working the bar tonight. Who knew there was a secret dungeon beneath that quiet exterior?"

Jannah chuckled softly, shaking her head in disbelief. "Seriously, Sarah? Bartending? Oh, indeed... Beneath the surface!"

Calla leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. "It's kinda cool, though. I mean, who would've thought?"

Sarah felt a mix of embarrassment and resignation wash over her. She had hoped to keep her job discreet, away from the prying eyes of her classmates who might not understand her reasons.

With a forced smile, Sarah greeted them warmly as she served another customer. "Surprise," she replied lightly, trying to brush off their comments.

Suzzy nudged Jannah playfully. "Well, at least we know where to come for free drinks now, right?"

Sarah laughed along with them, masking her unease. "Maybe not tonight, guys. I'm on duty."

As the night continued, Sarah juggled her emotions—aware of the judgments that came with their discovery. Deep down, she knew her responsibilities went beyond what met the eye, and she resolved to focus on her goals despite the unexpected spotlight on her night job.

Tristan, Carl, and Errol approached the bar counter where Sarah was busy serving customers. The atmosphere around them was lively, with music playing softly in the background and people chatting animatedly.

Tristan caught Sarah's eye as she finished serving a customer and smiled warmly. "Hey, Sarah," he greeted, his voice carrying over the hum of the bar.

Sarah's face lit up with a genuine smile, momentarily forgetting the earlier awkwardness with her classmates. "Hey, Tristan," she replied, nodding at Carl and Errol. "What can I get for you guys tonight?"

Carl leaned forward, scanning the menu. "Surprise us with your best cocktail, Sarah."

Errol nodded in agreement, a playful glint in his eye. "Yeah, we trust your expertise."

Tristan watched Sarah work behind the bar with a newfound admiration, impressed by her composure and skill. He felt a surge of respect for her ability to manage both her studies and this demanding job.

Sarah quickly whipped up a couple of cocktails, expertly pouring and mixing ingredients with practiced ease. She slid the drinks across the counter to Tristan, Carl, and Errol, a slight grin playing on her lips. "Enjoy, guys. Let me know if you need anything else."

Tristan raised his glass in a toast. "To unexpected talents," he said warmly, meeting Sarah's gaze.

They clinked glasses, the moment filled with unspoken thoughts Despite the surprises of the night, Sarah felt worried about their judgments but she consoled herself that beneath the surface, there was more to each of them than met the eye.

Next morning, at the cafetrria...

Yra, Tash, and Glaiza's mocking words echoed across the cafeteria, reaching Sarah's ears as she sat quietly eating her lunch. Their snide remarks about her previous financial struggles stung, but Sarah remained composed, focusing on her meal of rice and vegetables.

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