chapter 26: the pregnant woman

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Tristan, disturbed by the revelation of the pregnant woman waiting for him in the lounge, urgently called the surveillance team to retrieve footage showing her presence there.

Tristan's heart sank as he stared at the screen, his breath catching in his throat. The realization hit him with a jolt— the pregnant woman in the footage was Sarah. Shock and disbelief mingled with a profound sense of guilt and regret.

Tristan: (whispering to himself) "Sarah..."

His mind raced, trying to make sense of the unexpected twist. How had he missed her, not recognized her distress, her unspoken presence in his building? The weight of missed opportunities and unspoken words hung heavily over him.

Tristan: (to himself, shaking his head) "Why we didn't meet or why I didn't noticed her..."

He replayed the scene in his mind—the hurried departure, the quiet anguish in her eyes that he had failed to see. Guilt gnawed at him for not reaching out sooner, for allowing misunderstandings and distractions to come between them.

Tristan's hands trembled as he reached for his phone, his fingers hesitating over Sarah's contact. He knew he needed to find her, to apologize, to offer whatever comfort and understanding he could. But would she even want to hear from him now, after everything that had transpired?

Taking a deep breath, Tristan dialed Sarah's number, his heart racing with uncertainty and hope.

Tristan felt more and more frustrated as he kept calling Sarah's number, only to hear that her phone was out of service. Each failed attempt made him more anxious. He knew he had to find a way to reach her, to explain and apologize.

He paced nervously in his office, filled with regret and a strong desire to make things right. Memories of their time together and the recent events weighed heavily on his mind, pushing him to act quickly before it was too late.

Glancing at the clock, Tristan realized time was slipping away. He decided to visit places Sarah often went, hoping to find her or someone who could tell him where she was. He couldn't let another moment pass without trying to fix things.

Hurrying out of his office, Tristan walked through familiar streets, thinking about how he would talk to Sarah and what he would say. Uncertainty bothered him, but he kept going, driven by the need to find closure and mend their broken connection.

As he arrived at places where they had spent time together, Tristan looked around anxiously, hoping for any sign of Sarah. He asked people if they had seen her recently, but no one had helpful information. This left him even more worried.

Tristan briefly felt overwhelmed by the difficulty of the situation and his own mistakes. But he couldn't give up. He knew he owed it to Sarah and himself to find her and express how sorry he was.

With determination, Tristan kept searching, his heart pounding with every passing minute. He refused to give in to the idea that he might not find Sarah and have a chance to make things right.

Tristan instructed his staff to search for Sarah  in all the hospitals in their area. After hours of searching, his staff reported back to him that no one by the name of Sarah had been treated or admitted to any hospital in their vicinity.

Tristan: "Did you find anything? Any sign of her at the hospitals?"

Staff Member: "I'm sorry, sir. We checked all the hospitals nearby, but there's no record of Sarah Guzon being treated or admitted."

Tristan: (frustrated) "Damn it. Where could she be?"

Staff Member: "I'm not sure, sir. Should we expand the search radius?"

Tristan: (sighing heavily) "Yes, please. Keep looking. Check everywhere she might go."

Staff Member: "Understood, sir. We'll continue searching and update you if we find anything."

Tristan: "Thank you. Please, hurry."

Tristan paced anxiously, his mind racing with worry and regret, unsure of where Sarah could be and how to find her.

Tristan sat in his desk, his mind racing with worry and regret. He couldn't shake the image of Sarah lying unconscious after the accident. Determined to find her and make amends, he quickly assembled a team of trusted friends and family.

Tristan: (dialing his phone) "Errol, Carl, Dax, I need your help. Sarah' got an accident and we have to find her."

Within an hour, Errol, Carl, and Dax gathered at Tristan's apartment, their faces reflecting the urgency of the situation.

Errol: "Alright, Tristan, what's the plan?"

Tristan: "Sarah was last seen at St. Michael's Hospital in the city, but she's not there anymore. We need to find out where she was taken."

Carl: "Do we have any leads?"

Tristan: "Lucas was with her. He mentioned she was taken to a more advanced hospital, but we don't know which one."

Dax: "We'll start by calling all the advanced technology hospitals in the city. We'll split up the list and each take a few."

Errol: " We should also check with the local authorities to see if they have any records of recent accidents and hospital transfers."

While on the otherhand Sarah was rushed by Lucas to a state-of-the-art hospital in the nearest large city after receiving basic first aid.

Sarah: (weakly) "Lucas... I'm scared."

Lucas: (gently holding her hand) "Stay with me, Sarah. You're going to be okay. The doctors are doing everything they can."

Sarah: (voice trembling) "I... I can't lose... my baby..."

Lucas: (reassuringly) "You're strong, Sarah. Both of you are fighters. You're going to make it through this."

Sarah: (wincing in pain) "I should've... told him... how I felt..."

Lucas: (holding back tears) "You still can, Sarah. Don't give up. Tristan needs to know."

Sarah: (struggling to stay conscious) "Promise me... you'll tell him... if I..."

Lucas: (firmly) "You're going to make it, Sarah. You have to."

Sarah's fight for her life and that of her unborn child weighed heavily on Lucas's heart as they raced towards the hospital. He clung to hope, praying for both their survival and a chance to convey Sarah's feelings to Tristan.

The car sped through the city streets, Lucas's heart pounding with fear and determination. They arrived at the advanced hospital, and medical staff quickly took over, whisking Sarah away for urgent care. Lucas watched, praying fervently for the safety of Sarah and her unborn child, his mind racing with thoughts of how he would reach Tristan and convey Sarah's unspoken feelings if the worst should happen.

Inside the hospital, doctors and nurses moved swiftly, their expertise and advanced technology offering a glimmer of hope. Lucas paced the waiting area, his thoughts consumed with worry and the promise he had made to Sarah.

Finally, a doctor approached, his expression serious but not without hope.

Doctor: "Are you here for Sarah ?"

Lucas: (rushing forward) "Yes. How is she?"

Doctor: "She's in critical condition, but we're doing everything we can. The baby is stable for now, but we need to monitor both of them closely."

Lucas: (desperately) "Can I see her?"

Doctor: "She's in the ICU. You can see her, but only for a few minutes."

Lucas followed the doctor to the ICU, his heart pounding with each step. When he reached Sarah's room, he saw her lying on the bed, surrounded by machines and monitors. Despite the tubes and wires, she looked peaceful, her breathing steady but shallow.

Lucas: (softly) "Sarah, I'm here. You're in the best hands. You and the baby are going to be okay."

Tears welled up in Lucas's eyes as he held Sarah's hand.

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