chapter 22: the quest

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Monday morning arrives, and Tristan waits anxiously for Sarah at their usual classroom. He glances at his watch repeatedly, his expression shifting from hope to concern as the minutes tick by.

Tristan: (to himself) Where is she?

He checks his phone, half-expecting a message from Sarah replying his message, but there's nothing. Tristan paces back and forth, unable to shake off the worry building inside him.

Tristan: (thinking) She said she had something important to tell me... Is it something a big deal?

As time passes, Tristan's mind races with thoughts of Sarah and the thing she wanted to tell him. He considers calling her again, but hesitates, unsure if she'll respond.

Tristan: (frustrated) Damn it, Sarah...

He takes a deep breath, trying to stay composed despite the uncertainty. Tristan glances around, searching for any sign of her, but the familiar sight of her absence only adds to his frustration and confusion.

Tristan: (resigned) I guess I'll have to wait and see.

With a heavy heart, Tristan reluctantly heads to his seat, the weight of Sarah's absence weighed heavily on his mind throughout the day.

Days pass, and Sarah remains absent from her classes. Her absence is felt by her classmates and professors, who wonder about her sudden disappearance. Tristan, too, finds himself increasingly preoccupied with thoughts of Sarah's absence and their unresolved conversation.

In the classroom, a hushed murmur spreads among students as they notice Sarah's empty seat day after day. Concern and speculation about her well-being ripple through the academic environment.

Professor: (addressing the class) Has anyone heard from Sarah recently? She hasn't been attending lectures for a while now.

Tristan sits silently, his mind drifting as he remembers their last encounter and his ignoring Sarah, refused to talk to her.

Tristan: (thinking) Where could she be? Why would she just disappear like this?

He checks his phone repeatedly, hoping for a message or some sign from Sarah, but there's nothing. Tristan's worry grows with each passing day, affecting his focus on his studies and work.

Tristan: (to himself) I should have pressed her more that day... Maybe I could have understood what she was going through.

Outside of class, Tristan tries to piece together any clues about Sarah's whereabouts, reaching out to mutual friends or acquaintances, but no one seems to have any information.

Tristan: (frustrated) Sarah, where are you?

As time goes on, Tristan grapples with the uncertainty of Sarah's absence and the impact it's having on both of them.

Tristan's sleepless nights and distracted days become routine as Sarah's absence stretches on. Each day he follows the same pattern—checking his phone for messages, glancing at her usual spots on campus, and asking around with increasing desperation.

Tristan visited Sarah's address, hoping for answers.

Tristan: (knocks on the door) Hello, is Sarah home?

Sarah's Sister: (opens the door) Oh, hi. No, Sarah's not here right now. Can I help you with something?

Tristan: (looking concerned) I was hoping to talk to her. I haven't heard from her in a while, she's absent from our classes. Do you know where she might be?

Sarah's Sister: She's been really busy lately. Maybe she's staying at the dorms to focus on her studies. We haven't seen her much either.

Tristan: (sighs and confused...why Sarah's sister thinking she's in scholl, but why Sarah not attending her classes.) I see. Do you have any idea when she might be back or how I can reach her?

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