chapter 64: the four

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Ten years later...

One afternoon, a visit to Tristan grave...

The sun hung low in the sky, casting soft shadows over the peaceful Memorial Park. The air was calm, the trees rustling gently in the breeze. In front of Tristan's grave, his family stood solemnly, paying their respects.

Stan knelt in front of the gravestone, his hands clasped together, eyes closed as he silently offered a prayer for his father. His tall figure, now 18 and more mature, carried a sense of quiet strength, though there was still a trace of the boy he once was.

Stan: (softly, under his breath) "I miss you, Dad. I hope I'm making you proud."

Beside him, Cassie, with her wide, innocent eyes, gently placed a bouquet of bright flowers at the foot of the grave. She was only 8, but she understood the significance of the moment. Her small hand lingered over the petals as she whispered a quiet goodbye to the father she never had the chance to meet.

Cassie: (whispering) "Hi, Daddy. I brought your favorite flowers."

Lucas and Sarah stood a few steps back, their hands intertwined, heads bowed in prayer. The loss of Tristan had been a part of their lives for years, but the ache never fully disappeared. Lucas, ever the pillar of strength, squeezed Sarah's hand gently, offering silent comfort. He knew how much this visit meant to her, to Stan, and to little Cassie, who had always been curious about the father she never knew.

Lucas: (softly, in prayer) "We're here, Tristan. Taking care of them like I promised."

Sarah: (whispering, her voice breaking slightly) "I hope you're watching over us, Tristan. Your kids are doing'd be so proud of them."

They stood there, all together, in silent reflection for a long while. Stan finished his prayer and stood, placing a hand on Cassie's shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled softly, her eyes full of admiration for her older brother.

Cassie: (looking at Stan) "Do you think Daddy can see us?"

Stan: (nodding, a gentle smile on his face) "Yeah, I think he's always watching over us."

Lucas stepped forward, placing a hand on Stan's back and ruffling Cassie's hair with the other.

Lucas: (softly) "Let's head home, kids."

As they turned to leave, the weight of loss mixed with a sense of peace. Tristan would always be a part of their lives, his memory living on through their love, their bond, and the quiet strength they found in each other.

The family walked back together, united, knowing that even though Tristan was no longer physically with them, his spirit remained in their hearts.

At the ranch...

The ranch was as peaceful as ever, with the golden light of late afternoon bathing the fields in warmth. The sound of hooves thundering across the pasture echoed in the distance, but it wasn't just Stan and Lucas riding this time.

Eight-year-old Cassie rode her pony, Daisy, with a joyful grin on her face. She had inherited her father's love for horses and spent most of her weekends riding through the ranch, eager to join in the fun. Her dark hair fluttered in the breeze as she rode ahead, laughing as Lucas chased after her.

Cassie: (giggling) "Come on, Dad! You're too slow!"

Lucas: (chuckling) "You better watch out, Cassie! I'm catching up!"

From the porch, Sarah watched the scene unfold, her heart swelling with the familiar warmth of love and pride. She sipped her iced tea, enjoying the view of Lucas and Cassie racing across the field. Stan, now 18 and more confident than ever, followed behind them on Thunder, keeping a watchful eye on his little sister.

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