chapter 28: the visit

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Hospital Room

As Sarah's condition stabilized, the doctors gathered in her hospital room, their faces a mixture of urgency and concern. Lucas remained by her side, his hand never leaving hers, as the lead doctor addressed them.

Doctor: "Sarah, based on the severity of your condition and the risks involved, we strongly recommend proceeding with an emergency cesarean operation to save your baby. We're doing everything we can to ensure both of you come through this safely."

Sarah's eyes widened in fear, the news hitting her like a wave. She had anticipated complications with her pregnancy, but hearing it said aloud made the situation feel more real, more imminent.

Sarah: (voice shaking) "Is it... is it the only option?"

Doctor: (nodding gently) "Given your history and the current state of the pregnancy, it's the safest way to ensure the health of your baby. Time is of the essence."

Lucas, sensing Sarah's growing anxiety, leaned closer to her, his voice calm and soothing.

Lucas: "You can do this, Sarah. I know it's scary, but you've fought through so much already. And I'm right here, just like I promised."

Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes as she turned to look at Lucas, her hand trembling in his.

Sarah: (softly) "I'm so scared, Lucas. What if something goes wrong?"

Lucas: (firmly) "Nothing is going to go wrong. You're in good hands. And when this is over, you'll get to hold your baby. That's what we need to focus on now."

The doctor stepped forward, his voice gentle but firm.

Doctor: "We'll need to prepare you for the procedure immediately. I know it's overwhelming, but this is the best chance for both of you."

Sarah swallowed hard, nodding as she tried to steady herself. She felt the weight of the decision pressing down on her, but deep down, she knew what she had to do.

Sarah: (whispering) "Okay. Let's do it."

Lucas squeezed her hand, his gaze never wavering from hers.

Lucas: "I'll be right here, waiting for you when it's done."

Tristan's Office – Late Afternoon

Tristan sat at his desk, reviewing a set of documents when his phone buzzed insistently. He glanced at the screen and saw Lucas's name. Furrowing his brow, he hesitated before answering, knowing any call from Lucas likely involved Sarah.

With a sigh, he picked up the phone.

Tristan: (curt) "Lucas? What is it?"

On the other end, Lucas's voice was shaky, filled with an urgency Tristan had never heard from him before.

Lucas: "Tristan, you need to listen to me. Sarah's in the hospital. There was an accident."

The words hit Tristan like a punch in the gut. He straightened up in his chair, his hand gripping the phone tighter.

Tristan: (shocked) "What? What happened? Is she okay?"

Lucas: (voice trembling) "No, Tristan. She's not okay. She was hit by a motorcycle... she's in critical condition."

A heavy silence followed. Tristan's mind raced, struggling to process the information. The last conversation he'd had with Sarah was cold, dismissive. Now, she was fighting for her life?

Tristan: (slowly) "Where is she?"

Lucas: "Saint Luke's. I took her there after the accident. She's in surgery right now... Tristan, you need to come."

The desperation in Lucas's voice was unmistakable. Tristan stood abruptly, his heart pounding.

Tristan: (voice strained) "Surgery? How bad is it?"

Lucas: (grimly) "It's bad. She lost a lot of blood, and there's internal damage. The doctors are doing everything they can, but..." (pauses) "Tristan, she might not make it."

Tristan felt the ground shift beneath him, his breath catching in his throat. He had always thought he'd have more time, more chances to make things right. But now...

Tristan: (barely audible) "I... I didn't know... I didn't know this would happen."

Lucas: (sharply) "You didn't know because you pushed her away. She came to your office, Tristan, to talk to you, and you turned her down. She needed you, and you weren't there."

The words stung, a painful reminder of his indifference toward Sarah when she had tried to reach out.

Tristan: (whispering) "I didn't mean for this."

Lucas: (angry, but controlled) "It doesn't matter what you meant. What matters is that Sarah's lying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life. And the baby..." (pauses) "She's pregnant, Tristan."

The revelation hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. Tristan's heart sank.

Tristan: (stunned) "Pregnant...?"

Lucas: "Yes, with your child. She tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen. Now, she might lose everything—her life, the baby—because of the stress, because of all of this. You need to be here."

Tristan felt the weight of his own guilt and regret pressing down on him like never before.

Tristan: (voice cracking) "I'm coming. I'll be there."

Lucas: (softly) "You should've been there long before this, Tristan. But if you care about her—if you care about your child—you'll be there now."

Without another word, Tristan hung up the phone, grabbed his jacket, and rushed out the door, his mind spinning with fear and remorse. As he headed toward the hospital, one thought consumed him:

Tristan: (to himself) "Please, let her be okay. Let me make this right."

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