chapter 3: first day of class

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As Sarah settled into her usual spot, she glanced at her neatly arranged textbooks and whispered to herself, "Alright, here we go. First day, fresh start." She leaned back in her chair, her eyes scanning the empty classroom. "Got here early, just like always. No distractions, no noise—just me and the work."

She placed her hands on the desk, taking a deep breath. "This semester is mine. One step at a time. Stay focused, stay ready." Smiling slightly, she added, "Let’s make this count."

Yra stepped into the classroom with a grin, her voice bright as she called out, "Tash! Glaiza! Over here!" She waved them over, making her way to the front.

"First day, and we’re claiming the best seats!"Tash laughed as she slid into her seat, "As if anyone else stands a chance with us around."Glaiza joined in, shaking her head with a smile.

"You two are ridiculous. But hey, front row it is."Yra plopped down and glanced around the room.

"This semester is gonna be a blast. I can feel it already!"Tash nodded, adding, "As long as we stick together, it definitely will be."

Shortly after, Tristan and his friends arrived, their arrival marking a noticeable shift in the classroom dynamics. Tristan, Errol, and Carl exuded confidence as they navigated through the sea of desks, exchanging nods and casual greetings with classmates they recognized.

Unaware of the connections forming around her, Sarah remained silent on her seat, occasionally glancing up to observe the interactions unfolding. She noticed the easy camaraderie between Tristan and his friend...

The group of Yra, Tash, and Glaiza, who happened to be her classmates too, were engaged in spirited banter nearby.

Yra, with her vibrant energy, laughed loudly, "Did you guys see the way Tristan just breezed through enrollment? Must be nice having everything handed to you."

Tash, always quick with a witty comment, nodded. "Yeah, must be great to have a personal assistant take care of all that boring stuff. Meanwhile, we're stuck here in the trenches."

Glaiza, who was slightly more reserved but always had a sharp observation, chimed in, "I heard Tristan's dad is planning a huge donation for the school's new sports complex. Guess it pays to have connections."

Yra rolled her eyes playfully. "If only we had someone like that on our side. Imagine how much easier things would be."

Tash glanced over at Sarah's empty seat and nudged Glaiza. "Hey, did you notice Sarah left? She always seems to disappear when things get lively."

Glaiza shrugged. "She's probably off studying again. That girl's focus is something else. Makes you wonder how she does it."

Yra smirked. "Well, some of us have to actually work hard to get anywhere. I guess that's her way of dealing with things."

Tash sighed dramatically. "I suppose we should admire her dedication. But honestly, a little fun now and then wouldn't hurt her."

The three friends laughed, their conversation blending with the other noises of the classroom. Despite their differences, they couldn't help but respect Sarah's quiet determination, even if they didn't always understand it.

As the professor entered and the class began, Sarah settled into her seat again, the air buzzing with anticipation and the promise of new beginnings. Sarah's attention shifted fully to the lecture on the first day of class, her determination to excel in her studies palpable amidst the shifting dynamics of her classmates. Little did she know, their paths were destined to intertwine in ways that would challenge her perceptions and reshape her journey in unexpected ways.

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