chapter 15: sad news

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One afternoon while Sarah having her afternoon class break...

Sarah's heart sank as she answered the call from her sister, her hands trembling as she held the phone to her ear.

Sarah: "What? Dad... How bad is it?"

Her sister's voice crackled over the line, conveying the gravity of the situation.

Sister: "Sarah, it's serious. Dad was in a car accident. He's in critical condition."

Sarah's mind raced with fear and worry, the weight of her family's hardships intensifying at that moment.

Sarah: "I... I'll come right away. Where is he?"

Sister: "He's at St. Mary's Hospital. Please hurry."

The news hit Sarah like a tidal wave, pushing aside her struggles as she focused on the uncertain fate of her father. She knew she had to be strong, but the uncertainty ahead loomed large, casting a shadow over everything else in her life.

Sarah rushed into the hospital, her heart pounding with worry. She found her sister Joyce and brother Nem waiting anxiously in the corridor near the ICU.

Sarah (breathless): "Joyce, Nem, what happened? How is Dad?"

Joyce (tearfully): "Sarah, it's bad. The doctors say he needs surgery urgently."

Nem (gravely): "And they need a substantial amount for the operation. We don't have enough."

Sarah (frantically): "How much do they need? We have to find a way."

Joyce (shaking her head): "It's a lot, Sarah. We've been trying to figure it out..."

Sarah (determined): "Okay, let's not waste time. We'll find a way, together."

Nem (with concern): "Sarah, we've been barely managing... I don't know if..."

Sarah (firmly): "We'll figure it out, Nem. Dad needs us right now."

The siblings exchanged worried glances, their resolve mixed with fear as they faced the daunting reality of their father's critical condition and the urgent need for financial resources.

Maria's arrival in the hospital lobby was marked by hysteria. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, her hands trembling as she approached her children.

Maria (frantically): "What happened? Where's your father?"

Sarah (rushing to her mother): "Mom, Dad was in an accident. He's in critical condition."

Maria (sobbing): "Oh my God, no..."

Joyce (trying to comfort their mother): "Mom, the doctors said he needs surgery. But we need a lot of money..."

Maria (panicking): "Money? How much? We don't have that kind of money!"

Nem (trying to calm Maria): "We're figuring it out, Mom. We'll find a way."

Maria paced anxiously, her distress palpable as the weight of the situation bore down on the family. Together, they faced the daunting task of rallying support and finding the funds needed to save their father's life.

Sarah's mind raced as she stood with her family in the hospital lobby, the urgency of the situation pressing down on her shoulders. She knew they couldn't afford to waste a single moment.

Sarah (thinking to herself): We need money, and we need it fast. Dad can't wait.

She thought about all the hours she had spent working at the bar, scrimping and saving every peso. Despite the shame and judgment it brought, it was now their only lifeline.

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