chapter 23: Sarah's absence

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The following day in the classroom

Tristan sits at the seat where Sarah always occupy, staring blankly at the blackboard as the professor's words barely register. He glances at the empty seat next to him, Sarah's absence a constant reminder of his growing anxiety.

Professor: (clears throat) Tristan, can you answer the question?

Tristan: (startled) Uh, sorry, can you repeat that?

Professor: (sighs) We'll move on. Please try to focus.

Tristan nods, but his thoughts remain scattered. As the lecture continues, his phone buzzes in his pocket. He discreetly checks it, heart racing at the possibility of news about Sarah.

Text from a mutual friend: "Hey, I haven't seen Sarah either. Last time I talked to her, she seemed pretty overwhelmed. Have you checked with her family?"

Tristan: (texts back) "Yeah, her sister said she's been staying at the dorms, but no one's seen her there either. I'm really worried."

The friend responds with a supportive message, but it does little to ease Tristan's mind. He decides to visit Sarah's dorm again after class, this time determined to find someone who might have more information.

At the dormitory

Tristan knocks on Sarah's dorm room door again, hoping for a different outcome. This time, a different neighbor answers.

Neighbor: (rubbing eyes) Oh, hey. You're looking for Sarah, right?

Tristan: (eagerly) Yes, have you seen her?

Neighbor: (yawns) Not recently. But the last time she's here I did hear her talking on the phone. She sounded really upset, but I couldn't catch what she was saying.

Tristan: (frustrated) Did you hear anything that could give me a clue where she might be?

Neighbor: (thinking) She mentioned something about needing to get away, clear her head. To start a life by herself... That's all I remember, sorry.

Tristan: (sighs) Thanks anyway.

He walks away, feeling more confused than ever. As he steps out of the dorm, his phone buzzes again. 

This time, it's an email notification.

Email from Professor: "Tristan, I noticed you've been distracted in class. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

Tristan contemplates replying, but decides against it. He doesn't know how to explain his worry without sounding irrational. Instead, he heads to the library, hoping to lose himself in his studies and momentarily escape his concerns.

At the Library

Tristan sits at a table where Sarah always sit. Books spread out before him, but he can't focus. He rubs his eyes, feeling the exhaustion catch up with him. A familiar voice interrupts his thoughts.

Emily: (softly) Tristan, are you okay?

Tristan: (looks up) Emily, hey. Not really. I'm worried about Sarah. She hasn't been around, and no one seems to know where she is.

Emily: (concerned) I noticed she wasn't in class either. Have you tried talking to the school administration? Maybe they can help.

Tristan: (nodding) I didn't think of that. Thanks, Emily. I'll do that first thing tomorrow.

Emily: (smiles reassuringly) I'm sure she's okay. Sarah's strong. She'll come back when she's ready.

Tristan feels a small measure of comfort from Emily's words. He decides to pack up and leave, determined to speak to the administration the next day.

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