Male Muse

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July 3, 2024. 1:11 PM

You are my muse, the reason for my art.
The words in my brain, they start to form. They make sense only when we are alone, when I see you in all your majesty, that is when everything slides in place to make the story make more sense.

But even then, even when you help me see love letters and recite poetry in my dreams, all I really want is to be the drawings on your skin, the tattoos and the ink, to be with you through every inch, every day and every need. To be the air that you breathe and the food that you eat, the beds in which lay and the sunrise when you wake.

I hope you are safe on the road and wherever you go, I hope your love showers you with care whenever you're back home. I hope she loves every muscle in your body, and every inch of your tall frame, as much as I do, and whenever you're gone for weeks at a time, truck driving -long days and long nights- I hope she thinks of you every day and every night.

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