Loveless lands

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December 3, 2023. 12:35 PM

I submerged myself in my pit-less heart of death.
I could find comfort in the darkness, find a way to lift my soul
I could find myself within the solitude
And build again what I was robbed of

I can see myself looking at the night sky, abrasive darkness makes me change
Wishing finally to have some friends
I can see how I come to love the darkness and learn to yearn for light and company

Don't think I can handle it, the solitude one more day, I can sit here and take it all. But happy I would not be

I can't feel loved from here, I miss the butterflies when they danced
All I have here are ashes, not even bats come here to fly
I miss the birds that I felt then, I wish I could get them back here, but my heart has no life left
I can't offer no more greenery, no river streams or fruit trees, nothing grows here anymore
I have tried every way, everything...

It may be time to give up hope
I might have dreamed too much, too much, and hoped too much, so much
I've waited so long for a spark of love to grow back on these dark and dead lands
I've waited in sadness, I've killed these lands
And now my love can't regrow back

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