Million loves

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April 16, 2024. 10:00 AM

If you lived a million lives before our present time
I would be in every one of them
If you live a million more lives in the future
I will be in every single one of those
If you are alive infinitely in uncountable dimensions at the same time
I want to be in every single one of those

Allow me to be every one of your love interests
Break my heart a million times
Give me eons of heart aches to remember you by
Even after time ends and dies

Give me endless love so I can always be in love with you
Love me, just love me even if just for a little while
Give me a little bit of your time so I can feel you at every moment of my multiple lives
I'll be every girl you ever kiss, every woman you ever love, every crush you ever have, every heart you ever break

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