Extract from a fairy tale I'm writing

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November 27, 2023. 1:46 PM

Fairies go to bathe very late at night.
They only go to rivers very clean and far away, they don't go to cities for most city rivers are packed up with trash.

They take little baths when not many animals are around.
They are always very careful to get in when others are not near
For if they bathe together with other beings,
These beings will turn to winged little fairies and leave their lives behind.

Going back to normal is a difficult little task.
Fairies can help you but when you turn back, your memories of the fairy land will never, ever comeback.

Once, a young man made his way into a creek, he bathed and played and then he started to feel a weird little effect.
It started from his face all the way down to his feet, it was a tingly little sensation running around inside his body...

He didn't expect it but in one blink of his eyes he was now the size of a little fairy, he had wings but hadn't noticed and he could fly but didn't know how.

The now tiny little man looked around in horror, the creek was now immense and little weeds where big like trees, "When did this happen? What is going on?" The young man mouthed in wonder.

Oh, but upstream, five pretty fairies bathed and played. Many miles upstream but water made magic trap the little man.

A journey awaits him now, for miles and miles of walking were ahead of him. Confused and in fear, clumsy with his wings, he walked and walked and walked.

He even had to camp, for night took him by surprise only a few humans steps away from were he was. Life as a tiny being sure was scary, trees looked infinite and everything could harm you.

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