At the edge of the creek

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November 27, 2023. 2:34 AM

At the edge of the creek I sat, as the water heated with the morning sun.
Unfortunate events had led me to here, like a metal to magnet my body walked on its own, until I reached the creek.

The soil under my feet is damp and slippery after many days of rain.
It seems the heavens weep for me as I haven't been able to weep properly.

I take off my shoes and walk slowly until I'm knees deep into the water, I sit on a rock that's partially submerged and stare, and feel, and do nothing, just nothing.

And I breathe, and as my heart warms up like the rest of my body, I instinctively lower myself, until I'm under water completely.
Just as quickly as the water flows, my heart is taken by the most beautiful and sensual being to ever cross my sight, and with my heart taken, I feel my body being dragged, and I don't fight it, I just let it happen.

I let my body and heart be taken away to a place I hope would present me with no more fears, no more destruction, no more worries and pains. I hope the price of ending my life in the human realm buys me a good future in the underwater paradise.

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