From pain comes poetry

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July 2, 2021. 12:16 AM

There would be no more art,
If you didn't hurt me
There would be no more poetry,
If your hurtful words didn't reach my ears
There would be no more imagination,
If you weren't so selfish

I wouldn't have healed
If you didn't break me
I wouldn't have created again
If you didn't sell my artwork

You are not my love
You are not my everything
You are not my forever, but,

You are the one that brought sadness into my happiness
You are the one that made my heart think on its own
You are the one that gave back meaning to the blank pages

I am not thankful for your love
I am not thankful for your charisma
I am not thankful for you lies, but,

I am thankful for the way you unloved me
I am thankful for the way you kept secrets
I am thankful for how you fueled my spirit with pain
I am thankful because you gave my poetry soul again
I am thankful for what you taught me

I will not thank you
I will not miss you, but,
I will create from what you gave me.

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