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October 22, 2020. 1:36 AM

You had to be brave and fight and be strong
You had to be wild and look wild and beyond
You had to be someone so brave so unique
You had to be you with the strength to believe

But now
There's nothing to fight for, nothing to see
No revelations or something to breathe
Nothing to dig, figure out or believe
There's nothing out there for me to change
Nothing out there for me to make free

Flowers and songs
Those were everything to make someone blush
Rushing with rage or confusion or both.

Nothing's for me to make right or belong
Everything has been done in these times or before
There's not even a lyric for me to compose, not even a song is new to my tongue

I wish I could riot for the good and the poor, for those out there that didn't belong
But my body is late and my life is not long, I was born when only little can ever be done

I do what I can but my spirit is alone, there's no more companions for those that can riot
without fear but only with passion

A crowd of rebels with spirits of power, with guns of peace and hearts like armours

I'm missing a time I was never a part of
I'm missing a life I could never look back on.

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