Good Men

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February 28, 2024. 1:27 AM

"Arms are to hug with"
Or so the saying goes
Arms are to hunt and give love
To protect and keep safe
My arms are but your home
In times of need and hope
My arms are here to be yours
To pick weapons and fight back
To win wars and strategize
The arms of men no matter how tame
The arms are real and a parabole as well
The path of strength and great faith
Leadership and hardships they may face
In the arms of good men we hope to faint
Not because we want to feel ill
In the arms of good men to be so safe
Not matter how tame
A man of love and power will always prevail
It's not shaming women
Not preaching they may fail
It's loving the men who are willing to stay
Out of love and care to always protect
Devotion and power make men of steel
Wisdom and will make men of strength
Physical, cerebral, emotional or else
So much for us to love and take care
These are our men, the very best of them

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