War - Christian Hell

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November 27, 2023. 2:24 AM

War is much like christian hell. Men and women being tortured the same way everyday, every minute, for what seems and certainly feels like eternity.
The sinful and the barely guilty paying the price for the morally corrupt's brutal choices.

There's not a choice to make by your own, never being able to stop suffering through days and nights of pure agony and fear.

Only when those in charge, the ones that lack morals and empathy, when they decide it's time to stop everything, then everything stops...
Or does it? Will it ever stop hurting and torturing the minds and souls of those empty men?

It will never end.

Technology or not, sane men and somewhat sane men will always end up a hurt beast in search of relief, forgiveness, and to forget.
Their suffering never ends, hell is within them now and there's no ending it because it's forever.

And then these men - consciously or unconsciously - create men without morals, without empathy. Men that will create more wars for others to fight, more hells for every other upcoming sane or semi-sane mind.

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