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June 3, 2024. 4:46 AM

I know you, I've been with you for so long
I know you deeply from the core of my soul
In our dreams we've lived so much
Let me show you...
Let the waves of my mind guide you, do not move
I will not harm you, do not fret
Follow the songs of trees, the breeze and the creeks
You'll find me in our dreams, close your eyes and see
No need to search for me, do not place yourself in harm's way
The tender arms of sleep will guide you towards me
If sorrow comes and finds you, close your eyes and let me find you
In my true monstrous form I may surprise you, I beg of you to let me hold you
Do not let my brain slip into death without your warm embrace as you wake up from this slumber date and stop dreaming of our fate

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