Cowboy hat

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July 5, 2024. 2:15 AM

Look at you, with your cowboy hat and your cowboy boots
I can't deny myself the pleasure of looking at you

In your stripped shirt with three buttons undone, big pecs and ink peaking right through
My eyes meet your big biceps, and what can do?
I'm weak to you and don't know what to do

My words are lost when I look at you
I'm delusional, I know, trust me, I do
I prefer you far, away, as a muse
But I want you near, close, in a hug

I know if God granted me time to be close to you
I'll never again waste my time with somebody new
But I know myself, I'm scared of you

Oh, who am I kidding?
I'm a shy little girl, hidden
Writing poetry books
To a crush that'll never see them

I love the amusement park but fear what is new
I'm stiff to change and emotional threats
You're a roller coaster I'll never survive
My mechanical bull that I'll never ride

But oh God, you're so gloriously fine!

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