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October 3, 2021. 5:52 AM

Through monotony, there's is where your heart desperately looks for a way out.

The seeds that your childhood planted inside your chest, they start blooming through monotony.

Monotony is the spring of the soul, pain and solitude are the seasons of dead and droughts. No seeds bloom through that.

Monotony can still be painful, pain is a season that never really leaves.

Monotony can kill many seedlings. Many poems would go unwritten, many songs would not be sung, but many will survive, and from them will come the very sweet and beautiful fruits.

Flowers will bloom like poems inside your chest, they will poke your heart with intensity, deep pain and urgency will be the firsts symptoms telling you how much you should write.

When your chest hurts and your stomach crunches with a need to pour your feelings and sensations with abrupt desperation, then you know your garden is now vast.

And when you have tears in your eyes and your soul is crying, you shall keep going and never look back, take with you your seedlings, your poems, care for them good, see them grow from the tips of your fingers to the edge of your mind and soul.

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