Walt's 'Mortal' Friend

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Sadie POV 

Okay, so this is how it started. 

Walt told me to meet him in a graveyard to meet a mortal friend of his. I didn't see the problem with this. Unless this 'friend' was another girl, of course. 

Anyways, I arrived at the graveyard and the place was completely vacant. I mean like it was completely empty. 

"Walt, where are you?" I called out. I started to walk around, calling out my boyfriend's name. 

"Do you think you can be any louder?" asked a new voice. "I don't think they heard you in Europe." 

I whipped around to face a boy who was leaning up against a headstone. He had pale skin and a mop of black hair. His eyes were almost black, and I felt like he was staring into my soul. Despite the fact that he was a little shorter than me, he was surprisingly intimidating. Though his appearance did kind of remind me of Anubis. 

I pulled my magician's kit out of the Duat and pulled out my staff. It elongated like I knew it would. 

The boy didn't look at all intimidated. Infact, he looked rather board. 

Just then, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see my boyfriend running towards me. 

A smile spread across my face as I dropped my staff and through myself into his arms. Walt picked me up and swung me in a circle. I laughed giddily as he set me down again. 

Then I punched him in the chest, not too hard though, he's not as deserving as one of my punches as my brother. 

"How come you left me alone with Mr. Creepy over there?" I demanded, jabbing a thumb at the Anubis look alike. 

Walt looked at the boy and smiled. "Hey, Nico." 

The boy, Nico, just nodded his head in greeting. 

"Nico's not much for words," said Walt. "but he's nice enough." 

"You're late," said Nico, ignoring the comment. 

"Sorry, I had some things to take care of," Walt apologized. Nico just shrugged. 

"You're not going to question why we're meeting up in a graveyard?" I questioned. Again, Nico's only response was a shrug. Walt was right, he wasn't much for words. 

I turned back to Walt. "So, this is the friend you wanted me to meet?" 

Walt nodded. "I don't really have any friends outside of the house so I kind of got a little excited when Nico and I met," he admitted a little sheepishly. 

I looked back at Nico. "How 'bout you? Have you got many friends?" 

"A few," Nico replied. 

There was a bit of an awkward silence after that. It was broken by Nico. 

"I'm hungry," he said. 

"There's a McDonalds nearby," suggested Walt. 

"Perfect," replied Nico. 

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