Together // Percabeth

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How the camp got it in their heads that Annabeth was a murderer was completely beyond Percy. (*cough* new kid *cough*) 

So yeah, when one of the campers turned up dead during Capture the Flag, everyone for some reason believed that Annabeth had killed her. Percy didn't know who the girl was, but she was well liked at camp. 

"She did it!" yelled the newest Aphrodite kid. "I saw her!" 

"No, you didn't!" Percy yelled back. 

"Oh, and how do you know, Jackson?" asked an Ares kid accusingly. 

"Are you saying that I killed her?" Percy demanded. 

"No, I'm saying that you could be defending her murderer," the kid shot back. 

Percy grabbed Riptide and advanced on him. A look of fury in his eyes. Annabeth grabbed her boyfriend's shoulder and pulled me back. 

"Percy, you're upset," she said. "You're not thinking clearly. It's not his fault." 

He took a deep breath and once again capped Riptide. But Percy still glared at the kid angrily. He tried to act like he wasn't fazed, but his fidgeting gave it away. 

Chiron's voice suddenly boomed through the clearing.  "What is going on here?" 

"Annabeth murdered that girl!" shouted the same Aphrodite girl. "I saw her do it!" 

"Is this true Annabeth?" asked Chiron. 

"Of course not!" Annabeth shouted. 

Chiron looked at the girl's dead body and sighed. "Is there any evidence you can provide to prove that you didn't kill this girl?" 

Annabeth paused to really think about the question then she realized something. 

"I . . . don't," she admitted. 

"Then I must hand this matter over to the gods," said Chiron. 

"Wait, what?!?!" Percy exclaimed. "You want to leave this to the-" 

"Olympians? Their idiots!" 

When Percy looked around again, he and Annabeth were on Olympus in the middle of the Olympian court. That meant that all of them had heard him calling them idiots. Not that he really cared. 

"So we're idiots, are we Jackson?" said Zeus, unamused. Percy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 

"Annabeth didn't kill anyone," he announced. "She's innocent." 

"Yet, there's no proof," Hera pointed out. Both Annabeth and Percy glared at her. 

"We have decided to send Annabeth Chase to Tartarus," said Zeus. 

"Excuse me, WHAT?!" Percy exclaimed. "One person gets killed and the person who supposedly kills them gets sent to TARTARUS?!?" 

"She has also been found guilty of aiding Gaia in the war," said Poseidon ruefully. 

"I would never do that!" Annabeth yelled. 

"Yeah, who even came up with that horseshit?" Percy demanded. 

"Do you wish to share her fate Jackson?" Zeus demanded getting to his feet. 

"I'm not leaving her," Percy replied without hesitation. 

Everyone stared at him. 

"My son," said Poseidon carefully. "You've already survived Tartarus once do you-" 

"So has Annabeth!" Percy countered. "We went together, and I have no intention of leaving her alone in that awful place." 

Annabeth put a hand on his shoulder hoping to calm him down, but he just shrugged her off. "If any of you are going to punish her, you'll have to punish me too," Percy declared. 

Zeus glared at them. "Very well." 

Percy and Annabeth blinked at him. 

"What?" Percy asked, dumbstruck. 

"We will be sending both of you to Tartarus," the king of the gods announced. "For treason against the gods." 

A crack suddenly formed in the ground right under their feet. Percy and Annabeth jumped back. Annabeth's eyes remained on the crack as it grew bigger, while Percy's traveled back to the Olympians. 

"Good luck in the next war," he said. "Because when you need your most powerful warriors, we won't be there to help." 

Annabeth's gaze fell on the Olympians as well and she scowled. "Neither of us have any intention of ever saving your godly asses again," she agreed. 

Before anymore words could be said, the crack widened, and Percy and Annabeth fell into the dark pit. 

Just like last time, it felt like they had been falling forever. 

Percy held Annabeth close, refusing to let go. 

"You didn't have to do that," she said. 

"Do what?"

"Come with me," she said. "Or take my side for that matter."

Percy let out a humorless laugh. "I know I didn't have to, except I did," he replied. 

Annabeth looked at him confused.

"I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if the love of my life had been punished for something that she never did and I had not at least tried to help her," he said. "I couldn't live without you." 

Annabeth eyes watered and she hugged Percy tighter. "I love you, Seaweed Brain."

Percy smiled. "I love you, too, Wise Girl." 

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