A Horse Ranch Romance // Jercy

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(A/N: I messed with their ages a bit, so this is a guide for that if you are confused.) 

Jason: 18 

Thalia: 19

Percy: 20 

Estelle: 11-12 

Octavian(sorry): 21 


They were moving. Again. 

"It won't be that bad Jason," his mom told him. "If this job goes well, we might be able to stay." 

Yeah, right. Jason thought. 

He looked over at his sister, Thalia, who had her headphones in and was ignoring the other people in the car. Jason briefly wondered what she was listening to, before he put in his own music to shut out his mother's attempts to convince him that this move was going to be different than all the others. 

He scrolled through information about the town. Mainly looking for activities. Might as well have something to do this summer. 

It had the usual things, like movie theaters and shopping malls. Though Jason noticed something that didn't seem quite as ordinary. A horse ranch. Jason had never been to one, nor did he know really anything about horses let alone riding one, but he thought it could be interesting. 

He tapped Thalia on the shoulder. She begrudgingly looked at him and took off her headphones. "What?" 

"This town has a horse ranch," said Jason. 

"A horse ranch?" Thalia repeated. She didn't know why her brother found this so interesting, but he'd stopped complaining so she let him keep talking. 

"Yeah, thought we could check it out when we get there," Jason suggested. 

Thalia shrugged. "Sure, why not?" 

It was a few days after they had moved into their new house when Jason and Thalia found the opportunity to check out the horse ranch. 

The place wasn't too far away. So it wasn't that difficult to get to on foot. 

There wasn't anyone at the entrance to greet them and the door was partially open, so the siblings decided to just walk in. Jason being the more responsible of the siblings wasn't too sure about that idea, but he didn't want to leave his sister alone. Gods know what she would do if left alone for too long. 

There was a horse in almost every stall. Mostly mares, but a few stallions were mixed in as well. 

A girl who appeared be about eleven or twelve was leading one of the horses out of its stall and went to go get something, presumably a saddle and bridle. 

She came back with a saddle in hand and spotted Jason and Thalia. She smiled at them. "Hi, there!" she called out. "Can I help you with something?" 

"Um, no thanks," Jason replied. "We're just looking around." 

The girl shrugged. "Okay then," she said. "I'm Estelle, by the way." 

Jason smiled. "Nice to meet you, Estelle. I'm Jason and this is my sister Thalia." 

Thalia didn't seem to be paying attention to the conversation. She was already looking at the horses in the various stalls. 

Estelle smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Jason. Call me if you need anything." With that she went back to saddling up her horse. A white mare who seemed antsy to get going. At least Jason thought it was a mare. he couldn't really tell. 

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