Thief! // Percabeth

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Percy Jackson didn't have the best life. That much was obvious. 

His parents had died when him and his siblings were pretty young. Which left him to take care of his 9-year-old brother, Tyson, and his 7-year-old sister, Estelle. 

Percy was 17 and worked as a builder during the day and would often hunt in the nearby woods for prey to sell in the marketplace or to cook for dinner. 

Today, Percy had had a good hunt and was heading to the marketplace to begin selling the day's game. He bargained the prices for the various pieces. 

He'd just walked away from the butcher's stall when he noticed a blonde girl no older than him trying to sneak a few apples off one of the stalls. 

Percy watched the girl as she eyed the different fruits. He didn't really know what she was looking for, but the girl finally seemed to decide on which ones to grab. She reached forward and snatched up an apple. A hand immediately clamped down around her wrist. 

"You filthy little thief!" the stall owner said. "How dare you try to steal from me!" The woman pulled something out of her apron. Percy quickly recognized it as a type of pocketknife that villagers often carried around for self-defense if needed. 

Percy's eyes went wide as he realized what the woman was going to do. He rushed forward and snatched the knife out of her hand. "There's no need to be violent," he said trying to sooth both stall owner and the girl at the same time. He turned to look at the girl in the eye. "How many do you need?" 

The girl bit her lip, eyeing him nervously. "Four," she answered finally. 

Percy nodded and let her pick out the fruits she wanted. He paid for her apples before buying two more. These would be a nice treat for Tyson and Estelle. He didn't get one for himself, however; he wanted to save the money. 

The pair walked away from the stall in silence. The Annabeth held her bag of apples in both hands and kept her eyes down. She didn't know why this stranger had bothered to help her, but she was grateful none the less. 

"Thank you," she said, finally. 

"It's nothing," replied the stranger. Annabeth took a minute to study him. He had ruffled black hair and a dark tan. He was well muscled but lean. But it was his eyes that drew her in. They reminded her of the swirling ocean her family had crossed on their way to this kingdom. A beautiful sea-green that was both enticing and terrifying. 

"Why did you help me?" she asked, unable to stand not knowing for a minute longer. 

He shrugged. "Just because you're a thief doesn't mean you deserve to be stabbed." 

So that's what the object had been, a knife. Annabeth shivered at the thought of what might've happened if this stranger hadn't stepped in. 

"I'm Annabeth," she said. "Annabeth Chase." 

"Percy," he answered. "Percy Jackson." 

They walked for a bit longer through the marketplace. Percy occasionally stopped to offer pieces of game to various people. He bargained the price of the piece expertly. Annabeth wondered how long he'd been doing this. Obviously, a while since he was so good at it. 

Suddenly, Annabeth remembered about her siblings, and she gasped. 

"What's wrong?" asked Percy. 

"My brothers!" she exclaimed, looking around frantically. "I promised them I'd be back soon. I need to find them." 

Percy nodded. "I'll help you." It wasn't a request, but Annabeth sighed in relief anyway. 

With Percy's help it didn't take Annabeth long to locate her brothers. They'd only moved slightly from the place she had left them in. Annabeth enveloped the two younger boys in a hug before turning her oldest brother, Malcolm. 

"Please, tell me you didn't run into trouble," she pleaded. 

"Nothing happened," he assured her. His eyes landed on Percy who was standing behind his older sister. 

Annabeth followed his gaze and smiled at Percy. "Percy, I want you to meet my brothers. The oldest one is Malcolm, and the twins' names are Bobby and Matthew. Boys, say hello to Percy." 

"Hi, Percy!" the twins chimed at the same time. 

Malcolm held out his hand to Percy. Percy shook it and said. "It's nice to meet all of you." 

He studied the four siblings before seemingly coming to a decision. "How would you like to stay with me for the time being. You all look beat." 

Annabeth let out a sigh. "That would be wonderful," she replied. 

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