Pegasus Chase

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"So, Annabeth," said Magnus. "Anything new?" 

"Not really," Annabeth replied. "Just Percy being a seaweed brain, as usual." 

Alex laughed and elbowed her boyfriend. "So has he," she said. 

Magnus was about to shove his girlfriend (she was a girl right now) when he noticed something hanging out on a nearby rooftop. 

"Hey, Annabeth?" 

"Yeah?" the blonde responded. 

"Isn't that a pegasus?" Magnus asked. 

Annabeth turned to see what her cousin was looking at. Her eyes widened. "Yeah, that's a pegasus." She turned to look at Magnus with a confused expression. "But what's it doing here?" 

Annabeth got to her feet fast as lightning. "We need to catch it." she declared then promptly ran off. 

Not having time to argue, Alex and Magnus sprinted after her. 

"How exactly do you plan on catching it?" Alex asked. 

Annabeth thought for a second, not stopping in her pursuit of the winged horse. 

"Alex!" she called. "Can you turn into something that's big enough for both of us to ride?" 

"Would a dragon work?" Alex called back. 

"Woah, woah, woah!" said Magnus. "Annie? What are you planning?" 

"You'll see!" 

Magnus groaned. "I don't like the sound of that!" 

"That's how you know it'll work!" Annabeth gauged the distance between them and the pegasus. "Alex, get a move on!" 

Alex rolled her eyes and shifted into a dragon. Annabeth and Magnus both hopped on her back. From there Alex the dragon took off after the runaway pegasus. 

"Do you do this often?" Magnus asked. 

"Not really," Annabeth answered truthfully. 

"So how do you know this'll work?" Magnus pressed. 

"Because I'm smarter than you," said Annabeth. 

Alex made an amused sound as if she was agreeing that Magnus was a total idiot. If Magnus was being completely honest, he'd probably agree as well. 

They neared the pegasus and Annabeth began to slowly stand up. 

"What are you doing?" Magnus demanded. 

"Would you just shut up, Magnus?" Annabeth shot back. Then she took a step onto Alex's wing. She took a steadying breath and kept going. She reached the end of Alex's wingspan and leapt off, landing on the back of the pegasus. 

"You have got to be kidding me," Magnus muttered then to Alex he said. "Fly beneath her in case she falls off." 

Surprisingly, Alex did what Magnus said and swooped underneath the flying horse. 

Annabeth took hold of the horse's mane and yanked. The horse bucked and began to hover in midair. 

Annabeth fought back against the horse until she had gained control then proceeded to calm down the horse. 

Once she'd calmed the beast, she gently landed it on one of the roofs nearby. 

Alex landed on the same roof, and magnus immediately hopped off and went to hug his cousin. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Please, tell me you're alright." 

Annabeth laughed. "I'm fine, Magnus. Greek demigods are trained to take care of runaway pegasi." 

"You are?" asked Magnus. 

"Of course," Annabeth replied, rolling her eyes. 

"Well, how'd you learn to do that wing walking stuff?" asked Alex, who'd shifted back to her human form. 

Annabeth shrugged. "Don't know." She turned back to the horse and mounted it. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get this beauty back to Camp." She turned the horse towards the edge of the roof and they took off into the air. 

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