You Broke Your Own Heart

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Luke didn't know how much of this he could take. He didn't want to hurt his friends. Especially not Thalia now that she was back. 

That's when he thought of it. 


Thalia could help him! She'd understand. She always did. 

Luke knew that Thalia was a huntress now. He wouldn't be surprised if the entire mythological world knew that the daughter of Zeus was now an immortal Huntress of Artemis. 

With this in mind he headed into the forest, letting his instinct guide him to where Thalia could be. 

Luke couldn't explain the connection he'd always felt between himself and the daughter of Zeus. It was always as if the world thought they were meant to be together, because Luke always seemed to know where Thalia was. Call him creepy, but he couldn't help it. 

Sure enough, he spotted a group of girls making camp. They were all wearing relatively the same thing, but one girl in particular caught Luke's eye. 

The girl had spikey, midnight black hair with streak of blue. She wore a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and Doc Martens. There was no mistaking who the girl was. Thalia. 

Luke didn't dare make his presence known. Given how he was a traitor and a male, everyone in the camp probably wouldn't hesitate to kill him. 

He waited until Thalia went into her tent. Since she was the lieutenant, she got her own tent. Meaning Luke would have the perfect opportunity to have a private talk with her. 

Luke used his skills as a son of Hermes to sneak into the tent. 

When he made it inside, he was almost immediately met with a knocked arrowed point straight at his heart. 

"What do you want, Luke?" Thalia demanded. 

He put his hands up to show that he meant no harm. "I just want to talk," he assured her. "Please." 

Thalia looked him up and down before finally lowering her bow, but she didn't put it away. 

"This better not be a trick," she said. 

"I promise it's not," he said. He tried to sound as sincere as possible. 

Thalia sighed. "How are you even here?" she asked. "I saw you fall. No one could have survived that." 

Luke paused. "I have the curse of Achilles," he admitted. 

Thalia's eyes widened. "So, the arrow wouldn't have hurt you?" Luke shook his head. Thalia sighed and reluctantly put away her bow. "What is it you wanted to talk about?" 

"I need your help, Thalia," said Luke without hesitation. 

Thalia blinked at him. "You need my help?" she repeated. 

Luke nodded, and his expression became pleading. "Come on, Thalia, you're the only one I can trust." 

Thalia bit her lip, a look of sympathy on her face. "I'm sorry, Luke. I can't help you." 

"Please, Thalia." Luke was practically begging now. 

"I can't, Luke," said Thalia. 

"Thalia, please, I love you and I know you love me, too," said Luke. He was truly desperate. "Please don't break my heart." 

"You broke your own heart, Luke," said Thalia. "And you broke mine." 

With that, Thalia walked out of the tent, leaving Luke to mull over her words. 

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