How the Avengers met Caleo

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The disturbance was coming from Central Park. Strange things were happening there such as plants deciding to take a walk and then randomly lighting on fire. Just some really weird stuff. 

Of course, the Avengers were called in to deal with it. Well, some of them. Thor was in Asgard at the moment, Bruce was working on a project for SHIELD, and Clint and Nat were on a mission somewhere. So, the only people answering the call were Iron Man and Captain America. 

"What do you think is happening down there?" Tony asked. 

"I don't know," Steve replied. "But I'd feel better if Thor was with us in case, it has something to do with his people." 

"Why do think that?" 

"I just have a feeling," Steve answered. 

Tony knew better than to question Steve's instincts so, for once, he didn't argue. 

They arrived in Central Park and were surprised that they didn't see some machine or magic user actively causing chaos. Instead, they found two teenagers that seemed to be fighting over something. 

"Come on, Caly!" one of the teens pleaded. He seemed to be Latino with elvish features and a mop of curly brown hair. "Please, give it back!" 

The girl, 'Caly', crossed her arms. She had a pretty face, dark eyes, and caramel colored hair braided over her shoulder. 

"Not until you apologize," she replied. 

Steve and Tony looked at each other. What were they talking about? Obviously, the boy had done something to the girl, and she had acted out by taking something away that the boy deeply cared about. The only question was why and what had the girl taken? 

"Babe, it was an accident!" the boy argued. 

Oh, they must be dating. There goes Tony's potential chance of hitting on her. (*gags*) 

The two didn't seem to have noticed the superheroes as they kept arguing back and forth. 

"Ugh!" the girl cried in frustration and a nearby tree went flying toward the boy. The boy raised his hands and a blast of flames shot toward the tree, knocking it back before it could hit him. 

What the heck did they just witness? They needed to stop these kids before they destroyed the city. 

But before Cap and Tony could move a gust of wind knocked them back as the girl let out another frustrated scream. 

"Why doesn't he just apologize?" asked a voice to the Avengers' right. 

Steve and Tony turned to find a pair of boys also watching the couple fight. They seemed to be snacking on popcorn as if they were at the movie theater. One of them had blonde hair and blue eyes while the other had raven hair and green eyes. They didn't seem to be bothered by the crazy powers that were being thrown around in front of them. 

The ravenette shrugged. "Who cares? It's free entertainment." 

The blonde took that as an agreeable answer and popped some of their shared snack into his mouth. 

The boys didn't seem to notice, or if they did, they didn't care, that two superheroes were watching wide-eyed as they watched the fight while having a totally casual conversation. 

"We need to stop them!" Cap yelled over the wind. 

"How exactly?" Tony yelled back. 

Just then they heard a crash coming from across the street. The duo turned to see gigantic HYDRA robots stomping through the streets of Manhattan. 

Tony groaned. "We can't catch a break today." 

The duo leaped into action, deciding to leave dealing with the quarreling teens later. 

Meanwhile, Leo's, Calypso's, Percy's and Jason's attention had also been drawn to the robots. 

Percy and Jason looked back at Leo. They all grinned at each other and said all together. "Idiot mode." 

Calypso facepalmed, but she couldn't deny that she also found idiot mode quite hilarious to watch. 

"Can I have my toolbelt back now?" Leo asked his beautiful girlfriend. Calypso put a hand on her hip and held the toolbelt tightly in the other. Leo bit his lip. "Babe, I'm sorry for burning your garden, I got really excited, and I couldn't help it. Do you forgive me?" 

A smile spread across Calypso's face, and she tossed the toolbelt to her crazy but adorable boyfriend. She'd expected that was the cause of his spontaneous combustion, but she'd still been mad. 

"You're forgiven," she said. 

Leo secured the belt and the four ran off toward the robots. 

It didn't take long after that for Leo to install and activate 'idiot mode' into the robots. The robots started doing stupid stuff that ultimately led to them destroying each other. 

Steve and Tony stared at the teens who were now rolling on the ground laughing as the robots began to do dumber and dumber things. 

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