Christian Mom Meets Percabeth

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A/N: Before I start, I want to say that I mean no offense to anyone who is Christian. I just thought this would be a funny concept. 

Edith POV 

My name is Edith Rose. I am happily married to my husband John Rose, and we have a beautiful daughter named Christina. She is the perfect little girl, and we have a perfect life. 

We are a good Christian family. We believe that girls should not play sports. They should only wear dresses and should fulfill their responsibilities as a housewife. 

Recently, we moved to an apartment in New York. We can't wait to begin our new life in the big city. 

Our neighbors, a lovely couple by the names of Paul and Sally Blofis-Jackson, asked me to check on her son at around 10 o'clock this evening while they aren't at home. I agreed and Sally gave me a key to her apartment. (A/N: My computer wanted me to change Blofis to Blowfish. 🤣) 

I looked over at the clock and realized that it was around 10. Well, I guess it was time to check on Percy. 

I unlocked the door and walked inside. 

What I saw inside was Percy and a blonde girl brandishing weapons at each other and clashing them together at a speed faster than I could comprehend. 

"Stop this immediately!" I yelled. 

The pair stopped and stared at me. 

"And who are you?" asked the blonde, crossing her arms. 

"Edith Rose, the neighbor next door, and this behavior is unacceptable and very unladylike!" I exclaimed. 

Percy snorted and slipped his arm around the girl's waist. The girl looked like she was trying not to laugh herself. 

I gasped. "Perseus Jackson! Please do not touch this young, sweet, innocent girl in that inappropriate manner!" 

The girl and Percy exchanged a smirk. Percy looked back at me with the same smirk. "Just so you know, we're not virgins." 

That's when I fainted to the sound of two teenagers laughing hysterically. 

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