Solangelo Roommate AU

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Will looked at the time on his phone and his eyes widened. He was going to be so late. 

And that would suck because he really needed to find a place to stay. He didn't care that he would be getting a roommate. All he cared about was whether or not there was a roof over his head, and he had a warm place to sleep. 

He rushed up the stairs, not bothering with the elevator. 

He stopped at the door of the apartment, panting. He checked the time again and realized that he was fifteen minutes late. Shit. 

Before he could knock, the door swung open, and Will's breath caught in his throat. In front of him stood the most beautiful human being he had ever laid eyes on. The man had inky black hair that was tied back into a short ponytail and dark brown eyes that made Will feel like the man was staring into his soul. He had perfect pale skin, a sharp jaw, and ridiculously high cheek bones. He wore a skin-tight t-shirt and a leather jacket, along with black ripped skinny jeans that showed off his legs perfectly. 

Will already knew that he was in love with this man. He was just so perfect! 

"Um, hi," he said. "I'm Will Solace. I'm here about the roommate thing?" 

The man looked Will up and down before saying. "Nico di Angelo." Then nodding him inside. 

Will followed him, making sure to shut the door behind him. 

"So, ground rules," said Nico. "Never go into my room, unless I say otherwise. I'm okay with you having friends over as long as you tell me ahead of time. I don't want to walk in on anything. And finally, we split the rent and the chores." 

Will nodded along. The rules were simple, and he hadn't really expected anything less. 

"I can deal with that," said Will, smiling. 

"Are there any ground rules you want?" asked Nico. 

"Not really, this is your apartment after all," he replied. 

"Well, now it's both our apartments," said Nico before walking off. 

As soon as Nico was gone, Will let out a whoop and pumped his fist in the air. 

"Oh, and keep the noise down," Nico called from the other room. 

"Sorry!" Will called back then continued to do his victory dance in silence. He now had an apartment, and he was going to be sharing it with the hottest boy he'd ever met. 

This was going to be the first time Will was bringing over his friend Lou Ellen. He'd remembered about Nico's rule to tell him ahead of time, but he may or may not have forgotten to tell his friend that he had a roommate. 

When Lou Ellen arrived, Nico hadn't been home. Will knew he was taking college courses, but he didn't know what he was studying. He hadn't wanted to pry so he'd kept his mouth shut. 

"Wow," said Lou Ellen. "Nice pad." 

Will smiled. "Thanks." 

"So, what's been going on?" asked Lou. "I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever." 

"Same," Will agreed. 

The two friends sat on the couch and talked for gods know how long. 

The door suddenly swung open, and Nico walked in. He dumped his bag by the front door, though Will knew that he would get it later, and walked into the kitchen. 

"How was class?" I asked as he walked by. 

He shrugged and went straight to the coffee maker. Nico wasn't a morning person, yet he always had to be up at the crack of dawn to go to classes. 

"Come on," Will pressed. "It couldn't have been that bad." 

Will looked over to find Lou Ellen checking out his roommate. Will elbowed her in the ribs. 

"Ouch! What was that for?" she demanded. Will gave her a seriously? look. She just shrugged. "You have to admit he's hot." 

Will rolled his eyes. "Thank you, Captain Obvious." 

Lou smiled. "You're welcome. Also why didn't you tell me you had a roommate? And that he was hot as hell." 

Will tried to hide his embarrassed blush at forgetting to tell his best friend about his roommate. "I may have forgotten?" he said hesitantly. Lou Ellen facepalmed. 

"You are completely hopeless," she said. She glanced toward the kitchen again. "Can you set me up?" 

"What? No!" said Will immediately. 

Lou Ellen was taken aback by Will's reaction, but then realized what it was about. "Ooooh, does someone have a crush?" 

Of course, Lou Ellen knew Will was gay. She'd known before Will had as a matter of fact. 

"No!" Will protested, but the blush on his cheeks said differently. 

"Jesus Christ, Will," said Lou rolling her eyes. "Do you think he likes you back?" 

Will sighed. "He's straight, Lou," he said. "and even if he was into guys, he wouldn't be into me of all people." 

Lou rolled her eyes. "Well, what if I told you he's probably gay." 

"What do you mean?" Will asked. 

"No straight man wears skinny jeans that tight," said Lou Ellen. 

"Then what was all that stuff about me setting you up with him?" Will demanded. 

"I just wanted to see how you'd react," she said. This time it was Will's turn to facepalm. 

Lou Ellen left a few hours later. Will volunteered to walk her to the door and closed the door behind her. 

When Will turned around again, Nico was standing there. He had his arms crossed and seemed to be looking Will up and down. 

Suddenly Nico grabbed onto Will's shirt and kissed him. Will was too dumbfounded to kiss back. When Nico pulled away from him, he turned around as if nothing had happened. 

"W-what was that?" Will asked. 

Nico turned to the blonde with a smirk. "You're not quiet." 

Will blushed. "Could you, um, do that again?" 

Nico rolled his eyes and pulled Will in for another kiss. This time Will kissed back with all the passion he'd been holding back. 

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