Chapter 42

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It was growing close to dinner and Alma started growing worried when the woman hadn't come back. At the same time though, she was upset that she hadn't told her anything. One moment Julia seemed fine but then the next, she just keeps running anytime she felt anything in case she would be judged.

With a sigh, she shifted and left the home. The children were busy with chores and were inside the home, so they would be perfectly safe since she won't be gone for too long.

She flew through the cave entrance of the loop when suddenly she stopped, seeing the woman not far from the loop entrance. Alma flew and perched on a tree nearby to get a good look at her, her previous anger slowly diminishing when she seen her.

Julia had her head against her knees, her hands clenching her hair as she felt her heart pounding, Alma vaguely hearing the small sobs that came out, her voice hoarse from doing so.

The older woman flew off the tree, looking around before shifting back, slowly walking over to her. Julia didn't hear her, too deep in her mind, that she jumped when she felt someone's hand rest on her shoulder.

"Get away from me!" She shouts, Alma pulling away quickly when she seen the hurt that shown on the woman's face, Julia softening her features slightly when she seen it was Alma. The older woman felt a twinge in her chest when she seen how red her eyes were as well as her nose, her hands trembling slightly as the red glow in them burned into the sand to keep from burning herself or the woman. She looked so tired despite the never ending tears that ran down her cheeks.

"What do you want?" Julia says, trying to forge her features back to normal and keep her tone firm.

Alma looked at her unsure, kneeling down in front of her and Julia looked at her unsure, her glare increasing when suddenly she felt the woman's arms go around her. She smelled the sweet vanilla of the woman's jacket as Alma held her close, her hand moving to rest behind her head to keep her from tugging on her hair, the other running across her back.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I should have been there for you." Alma says softly, her breath hitting the woman's neck. Julia wouldn't admit it or cave in easily, but she felt some of her tension leave and melted against the woman's touch. She rested her head against Alma's, her hands slowly moving to return the hug, being cautious to not burn her. Alma felt her hug her closer, being mindful to tighten her own hold, especially when she felt the woman's shoulders shake slightly.

"I don't know what Barron had done, but I promise you, I will do anything to make you feel better. You don't have to talk to me, though it may be easier to know so I can help." Alma says quietly, her heart aching when she heard the woman let out a strained sob, the older woman not used to hearing it.

"Oh darling, it's alright." She says softly, her hand moving to run her thumb over her cheek to wipe away any tear that fell and Julia tried to force her pain down when Alma suddenly cupped her face in her hands leaving her no choice but to look at her. "There's no shame in crying. I promise." She says gently, glancing over her with a caring look. Julia felt her heart start to ache from beating so hard, her nails digging in to the older woman's back before eventually she lost it, resting her head against Alma's chest as she cried, the older woman running her hand through her hair as she kept her close. She felt how fast Julia's heart was beating and pressed a soft, gentle kiss on her forehead to gain her attention.

"Take a breath, dear." The ymbryne whispers, gently brushing away her tears but Julia only held her closer, her hands shaking as they held on to the fabric of her jacket. "Deep breath, Jules." She repeats and the woman did so, getting cut off short with a sob.

"Can you look up at me?" Alma asks in a caring tone, the younger woman doing so which gave her the chance to wipe her tears away once more. "You're safe with me, you do know that right?" Julia nods, not bothering to hesitate at all before she answered. Her eye widened and darted over when she heard someone in town shout to another person, Alma bringing her attention back to her.

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