Agent to Agent | Wanda

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Wanda pov

"Hey, How's the mission" I stood up seeing my girlfriend finally come after a whole day of being away


"Are you hungry? I cooked earlier" I walked toward her while she drank water before grabbing an orange

"You're so cute" she smiled looking exhausted kissing my cheek before leaving me to go and sit on the sofa

As clingy as I can be, I followed her again massaging her from behind while she threw her head back making me chuckle "You don't want to eat?" I softly say

"Nat and I swing by for dinner after the mission, I'm full" She mumbled with closed eyes

"Oh...ok" Not that I spent 3 hours cooking and waiting for her till 11 pm so we could eat together...sure

"Have you seen the dress I bought you?"

"Yeah but...I don't know if I should wear it"

"Why not? Come here" she huffed tapping the space beside her signaling me to sit next to her

"Well, it's kind of not my style and I don't feel comfortable, I feel like I'm naked" I giggled

"You will look so beautiful in that and everyone in the shield will be at that party, please don't dress like...this"

"What does that suppose to mean?" I raised a brow

"I'm just saying..."

"Saying what? That you're not ok with how I look that you need to change me? Push me into clothes that I don't feel comfortable in?" I stood up getting enough walked out

"By the way! I cooked that for 3 hours and if you even care I haven't eaten yet waiting for you!!" I stormed out to our room



I went to bed but didn't lock the door, I'm still a girl, I wanna be soothed

I waited there for a good 15 minutes before finally feeling her beside me hugging me from the back "I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted and I know it's not an excuse to be a jerk. I love your style, wouldn't fall in love with u if I didn't" She mumbles kissing my back while I try to push her away by my elbow

"Let's eat..." she softly says

"I'm not hungry"

"Really? So I have to throw away your favorite smoothie that I just made?" She pouted as I faced her

"You didn't" I stubbornly huffed

"Well, I didn't put it on the fridge so it's probably melting by now"

I was still going to resist but my stomach started growling so loud and she started laughing "Shut up" I scoffed

"OK, let's go eat" she chuckled helping me to get up

We went back to the kitchen grabbing the food and drinks we both prepared while I heated up mine "You don't need to wear it, you will look sexy either way" she gave me a kiss

"I don't like you when you're tired, you're being such an ass"

"I'm sorry"

"How was the mission? Answer correctly or else"

"Ok uhm we started following these guys that are our suspects from the cafe where they went for breakfast to this abandoned-looking trailer at the end of the day"

"What are they guilty of?"

"Smuggling some sort of chemicals that they use in weapons"

"Did you catch them?"

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