Sexrets (not totally but ⚠️) | Nat

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Y/n pov

"Heyy, Nick" I greeted kissing my dad on the cheek as he is the first person I go to after my missions

Technically, I'm adopted but he did raise me. He said both my biological parents died from a mission so here I am


"Ok, I'm home, Dad" I sigh shaking my head and earning his laugh while he embraces me again

"How was your trip?"

"It's fine, J actually finished it in 3 days so I was just lingering around Italy for a while" I chuckled

"Well, your timing is perfect. I need you to go with Agent Romanoff later to China to recover some weapons"

" Natasha here?" I asked

"No, she was dispatched. Why don't you get ready" He suggested receiving my nod

I went to the weapons picking the most silent ones, my faves. I mean out of all the animal aliases here in the Shield, you have a hawk and a very hot spider, Leo is a great alias for the silent killer

I suddenly felt someone grabbing me from behind by quickly covering my mouth before turning me around aggressively and being greeted by Natasha's wide smirk

"I thought you've been dispatched?" I frowned my brows

"I was, I finished it early after hearing you'll be returning today" She squeezed my waist biting her waist

"Did you turn off the security? Dad will kill you" I chuckled

"I did" She sighed locking our lips together while pushing me against the table "Careful, we might explode" I giggled pushing her off,  fixing the weapons that moved a little behind me

"You didn't miss me?" She pouted

"Oh for I know you've slept with different ladies while I'm gone"

"No one tastes better than you, baby" She shakes her head with a smile sending butterflies down my stomach, I love red flags

"Pick your weapons, we're going to China" I looked down still trying to remove my smile


"We have a 3-day mission together in China" I explained before another smirk curled up her lips

"Stop it" I complained laughing giving her a gun

"Why? You don't like having sex in missions. Why can't we right now?" She cutely pouted grabbing me again

"Because we only have 30 minutes to pack, you know it takes more than that"

"Oh you've been gone for weeks, trust me this will be quick" She removed her jacket before crashing her lips against mine again swiping the weapons off the table like I didn't just fix them

I saw one falling and immediately cached it by my foot "That turned me on more, just saying" she playfully says

"Go on your knees" I sigh watching her satisfied smile biting her lips and doing it so


"How was your trip?" She asked driving while I was just being a passenger princess after weeks of driving myself everywhere. Yes, chauffeur me around

"It was great, I spent 2 weeks traveling to the tourist spots, and yeah just that and that"

"Did you hook up with someone?"

"No, I didn't have the urge so I didn't"

"Oh yeah, it's your ovulation week" she suddenly says casually making me look at her

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