Sleepover (little ⚠️) | Nat & Wanda

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Wanda pov

"Hey, have you seen y/n's text?" Nat came in from her run grabbing herself a bottle of water

"Hmm? What text?"

"She's inviting us for a sleepover at her house"

I checked my phone and she had texted me too "Oh yeah, got it" I nodded

She is this friend of Nat and then somehow I got to meet her at one of Tony's parties and now we hang out as a group, they take me on girl's wild but I like it

After finishing our shift, Nat drove us to her house where she greeted us already in her robe "Looking good" Nat kissed her on the cheek

"I got you two some" she chuckled passing us each of these red silk robes

I looked at Nat nervously but by the look on her face she was more than happy to wear them so I just also did

"I feel very exposed" I awkwardly made mine a little tighter

"You look great, wands" Y/n smiled

"So did you get my drink?" Nat excitedly opened the fridge while I helped y/n slice these fruits for our fruit bowl

Nat suddenly gasped making us also look at the fridge "You're nasty" she playfully laughed at y/n but I didn't get it

All I can see are some cakes, soda, champagne, lots of cranberry juice, stacks of sliced pineapples, and some chocolates

"I'm damaged" y/n giggled giving Nat a look

"What is it?" I innocently asked

"Oh you poor baby" y/n sighs

We headed upstairs carrying our snacks while they put on a movie and since these 2 have adhd of course we're not gonna watch

"Let's play" y/n smiled

"No more 7 minutes in heaven!!" I complained. The last time we played I ended up kissing 6 women

"How about most likely too then instead of shots...we can kiss each other" Nat suddenly says

"No, You're so defective" Y/n looked at her weirdly

"Hey I'm just suggesting"

"Ok, who's most likely too, but shots. So basically  if I asked who's most likely to make out with her friends, Nat will take 3 shots"

"Why 3?"

"Coz Wanda and I are not into that? But like if Wanda asked who's most likely to be black-out drunk, we're both gonna take 2 shots. It's drinking with math basically" She shrugged

"Ok got it"

"You ok with it wands?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I nodded

"Ok, who's most likely to like men better than women?" Nat started

They both dropped their drinks while I tried but they quickly stopped me "Men, babe...not a human-size vibrator" y/n playfully says while Natasha is wheezing on the side

"Shut upp"

"Most likely to like a co-worker" y/n asked and we both looked at Nat

"Fine, y'all are ugly" She rolled her eyes taking 3 shots like it was nothing

"Most likely to get arrested" I chuckled watching them both take shots

"Most likely to crawl on a friend that's sleeping" Nat playfully says

Y/n and I stayed still while she looked so confused "It's you" I giggled


"I have receipts, take the shot Natalie Rushman" Y/n pouted

"I don't like this game" she shook her head

We ended up playing for so long that we finished like 5 bottles, well I think in those y/n and I finished 2 and Nat finished 3 just by herself

They both continued tho but my world was already spinning, I felt like my soul was separating from my body and when I lay down I felt like I was floating and the ceiling was rotating

I took a nap and the last thing I saw was them feeding each other drunk as hell.


"How does she still have low tolerance" Y/n tipsily giggled looking at Wanda basically as good as dead laying there like a corpse

"We should give her some of our alcohol-filled blood" I laughed feeding her another pineapple but it fell inside her robe making us both wheeze

"NATTT! That will be stickyyyyy" She pushed me away still catching our breath

"Let me get it" I bit my lips as she held my jaw looking at me full of lust "Careful" she tipsily smirked

I gently untied her robe seeing the pineapple on her lap. She leaned back a little while I bent over taking the bit making sure my lips touched her skin before licking the juice left on her

I got up again looking at her directly in the eyes chewing it "Care to show me your receipts?" I mumbled before crashing my lips against her and the next thing we knew we were waking up Wanda

Y/n pov

I woke up in between these two and based on my missing robe we fucked up...literally

I got up leaving them to take a shower and brush my teeth before heading downstairs to make some coffee

"What happened??" Natasha came down scratching her head

"We seriously need to stop drinking that much" I sigh giving her coffee

"Guys? Did we??" Wanda followed also holding her head before getting hers

"Who did it this time??" She mumbled

"I think you, I only remember shooting pineapples in her mouth" Nat pointed at Wanda

"Oh, I'm sorry" She sighs

"I'm not drinking tequila again" I shake my head getting some desserts from the fridge before Nat grabs some juice and Wanda is uhm...sleeping now again

"Did you do it?" I whispered to Nat

"Why do you not trust Nat" she chuckled

"Coz most of the time that this happened to me you were in the room with uhm how many percent....A HUNDRED???"

"Just take it as a compliment" She smiled making me roll my eyes

We both got ready to start our day but we did carry Wanda to the guest room and left her some notes. We can't wake her up, the girl looks like she did most of the bottoming

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