Gay Mission | Nat

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Nat pov

"How are we going to seduce her if we're both girls" Y/n Huffed eating a whole McDonald's meal and munching on some nuggets while I drove to the location of our mission

"I'm a woman" I looked at her with sass earning an eye roll

We're gonna investigate because 15 people have been missing and the last person they were with is this woman and the plan is to either wait until she gets her new victim and then follow them or she will be involved with one of us but yeah problem is uhm let's see...SHE'S A WOMAN???

"You're gay, right? Put that to use" I teased smirking still focused on the road

"Wow, Natasha...WOW"

"Besides, she's hot and looks like she could be your mother...perfect for your issues"

"Shut up!" she scoffed getting annoyed

We arrived at the restaurant and she was already there reading a book. Y/n and I got separate tables for better angles...Well, I'm doing my job here and one of us just ordered food like she didn't eat 15 nuggets and I don't know 2 large fries??

I swear she's not even looking at her and just eating at her table "Stop eating, at least once in your life. Pay attention to her" I whispered through her coms

"You're running steak for me" she mumbled

Before I could even respond the target suddenly sat in front of her making us both stunned, it hadn't even been an hour "Hey cutie" she greeted y/n

"U-Uh...H-Huh?" The way her jaw dropped to the ground in shock. I could see her eyes actively not knowing whether to look at her in the eyes or her chest...she's so gay...

"It's hard not to notice such a pretty face...and the way your lips touch that steak..." This woman seductively says leaning over a little

"I'm gay" y/n suddenly says

WHY??? I WANNA GO HOME "Why are you like this???" I whispered

"Oh" She chuckled at her

"I'm not gonna waste my Are you into older women?" She asked

"More than you want her to be" I shook my head

"I find them alluring" She nodded

"How about older women that could give you...everything you want" she hummed biting her lips and lifting y/n's face with her finger


"Hm hmm...Everything. Name it, and it shall be yours..."

"What's your name?" She asked making me nod impressed

"Victoria...but you can call me something else whenever we get to be alone together" she sighs seductively all I can see is  Honesty y/n is being hypnotized by a milf with a blessed uhm chest

"Are you into women?" Y/n asked

"As much as you are a cutie" She smiled biting her lips

"I-I need to uhm...go to the bathroom for a sec" y/n nodded

"No problem, I'll wait for you baby," She said looking at y/n walking away still can't stop biting her lips for some reason

My seat was near the bathroom so y/n walked past beside me "bitch, she's gay" She whispered and you could hear the panic in her voice

I followed her and she was losing her mind "Just use your charm, she likes you" I pouted


"You're so weird"

"Ok ok....what's the mission again?"

"Uhm let her flirt with you, then when she asks for you two to go outside just say yes so we can see what she does to her victims"

"What if she won't do anything to me like how she does to them and we just end up making out? Sexual Assault, Natasha"

"Like you're not looking forward to it" I sigh

"Ok, first of all, I'm not for one-night stands but for the sake of my job I will do it" she sarcastically says making me roll my eyes

"Don't be jealous ok?" She suddenly sighs as we walk our way back

"I hate you"

We came back to our seats and they continued their conversation "Oh, I already paid for your meal. I hope you don't mind" She smiled at y/n

"You didn't have to do that"

"I want to...why don't you sit beside me?"

"Ok...she got money, her name is Victoria...she's older...and--" I'm here taking notes but I suddenly heard some smacking in the comms.

I looked back at them seeing they were already making out "She loves this job, I just know" I shook my head now starting to research who she might be

"You taste so fucking good...Do you mind if mommy...dominates you?" She sensually says

"Not at all, Mommy" Y/n goes with it and I could hear her quiet moans as she caught her breath in between the kisses

I watched myself fantasizing for a second but I immediately shook my head in disgust "Eww, Natasha get a grip" I snapped myself off of it

She finally invites her over and oh god can you two please stop making out for a second!! Just drive so I can follow, I don't remember subscribing on a website to keep on hearing this

I ended up following to this house and oh yeah she got money that it took me so much effort to escape her security

She is so rough to y/n like literally throwing her on the bed. I on the other hand hid in the closet, I had the time to sneak when she went to the bathroom

They ended up doing it while I'm here at the walk-in closet with uhm... background music if you may and it's been like 2 hours and they just kept on going so I started going around here

She got some really good clothes and a fridge full of wine so I appreciate that. There was this other fridge that had a code but of course, I figured it out, and the way I stepped back in shock...It was full of organs...HUMAN ORGANS

I ran back to the hole where I was peaking earlier before hearing y/n grunt "W-what is that?" She groaned

She raised the empty syringe that she just injected y/n with "shit" I scoffed "I-I can't feel my body" Y/n tried standing up

"You are a cutie, and you definitely have some skills in bed so I don't want you to suffer like others did" She smiled tying her robe before getting a scalpel on her nightstand

I immediately jumped on her fighting her on the floor getting the knife, and throwing it as far as I could "GET OFF ME!!" She fought back

"NO YOU SLUT" I Huffed ending up getting this rope under the bed which I think I shouldn't be touching

I tied her up and her fetish gear comes in handy. I shut her up and just put her on the side casually before sitting next to y/n catching my breath

"I love my job" y/n mumbles looking up at me and making me chuckle, I'm glad she's covered by the sheets

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah...I can kinda move now she struggled but still sat down "Dosage is not right" she pointed at the woman

"Dress up, I'll call backups now to take her" I gave y/n a kiss on the cheek before standing up

"Did you just kiss me?"

"No, it's the're hallucinating" I playfully say...I might or might not have gotten turned on and impressed with her with everything I saw and hear, nobody needs to know

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