Chapter 2: Veilded threats

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Yeji's Pov:

The gravity of the situation settles over us as we head towards our vehicles. The team splits into their respective cars, and I find myself driving with Felix and Minho. The atmosphere is tense but determined.

"Can you believe Yeonjun is involved?" Felix mutters from the passenger seat.

"I can," Minho says, his tone grim. "This feels like it's going to get complicated fast."

"Let's focus on the case," I say, steering the conversation back on track. "We have a job to do, and personal feelings can't get in the way."

We arrive at the latest crime scene, a high-end apartment complex in Gangnam. The area is cordoned off, and officers on duty let us through upon seeing our badges. The scene is eerily quiet, save for the occasional murmur of police radios.

The apartment is a mess of blood and chaos. The brutality of the attack is evident in every corner, and I have to steel myself against the horror of it.

"Alright, let's get to work," I say, snapping on a pair of gloves. "Felix, check the perimeter for any signs of forced entry. Minho, see if you can find any surveillance footage from the building's security system. Karina and Lia, look for anything out of place inside the apartment. Seungmin, start cataloging the scene."

We disperse to our tasks, the familiarity of the process helping us focus. I examine the main living area, noting the signs of a struggle. Broken furniture, blood splatters, and a trail leading to the victim's body. It's clear the attacker was methodical, taking their time to inflict as much pain as possible.

"Yeji, over here," Karina calls from the bedroom. I join her, and she points to a wall smeared with blood. Amid the carnage, there's a message scrawled in large, jagged letters: "No one is safe."

"Looks like our killer is sending a message," Karina says, her voice steady despite the gruesome sight.

I nod, my mind racing. "We need to find out what ties these victims had to the President's family. This isn't just a random spree; it's personal."

Just then, Minho walks in with a USB drive. "Got the security footage. Let's see if our killer left us a trail."

We gather around Minho's laptop as he plugs in the drive and starts reviewing the footage. It's tedious work, scanning hours of video for any sign of the perpetrator. Then, a figure in a dark hoodie appears, entering the building through a service entrance. They move with purpose, avoiding cameras as much as possible but slipping up just enough for us to get a few clear shots of their face.

"Gotcha," Felix says, pausing the video on a close-up of the suspect's face. "We need to run this through facial recognition."

"I'll handle that," Lia says, taking the drive from Minho. "I'll get the results to you as soon as possible."

As we continue to process the scene, a sense of urgency fills the air. This killer isn't going to stop, and with each new victim, the danger grows closer to the President's family-and to us.

"We need to stay sharp and work fast," I say, gathering the team around. "The clock is ticking, and we can't afford to miss anything."

With determined nods, we get back to work, knowing that every second counts in this deadly game.

We continue our work well into the night, meticulously combing through every detail of the crime scene. As the first rays of dawn peek through the windows, we regroup outside the apartment building. Lia returns with the results from the facial recognition scan, her expression grim.

"We got a hit," she says, handing me a tablet displaying the suspect's profile. "His name is Kang Joon-ho. He's got a long rap sheet-assault, burglary, even a couple of suspected homicides, but nothing ever stuck. He's been off the radar for a while until now."

"Kang Joon-ho," I repeat, committing the name to memory. "Let's dig into his background. See if he has any connections to the President's family or any possible motive."

Felix and Minho head back to headquarters to run a deeper background check, while the rest of us stay to finish documenting the crime scene. As the sun fully rises, exhaustion starts to set in, but the adrenaline keeps us going.

After wrapping up at the apartment, I decide to pay a visit to the President's nephew aka my ex. Despite our history, he might have insights or information that could prove valuable.

I arrive at Yeonjun's upscale apartment building and ring the bell. It takes a moment, but eventually, he answers, looking as composed and indifferent as ever.

"Yeji," he greets me coolly. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I need to talk to you about Kang Joon-ho," I say, skipping the pleasantries. "Do you know him?"

Yeonjun's expression remains neutral, but there's a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "I've heard the name. He used to work for some shady characters. What's his connection to this case?"

"He's our prime suspect," I reply. "We need to know if there's any reason he'd target your family."

Yeonjun hesitates, then sighs. "Look, Joon-ho used to be involved with some of my uncle's political opponents. People who wouldn't think twice about using violence to get what they want. But I didn't think he'd go this far."

"Any specifics?" I press. "Names, organizations?"

"Not off the top of my head," he admits. "But I can make some calls, see what I can dig up."

"Do that," I say, turning to leave. "And Yeonjun, this isn't just about politics. People are dying. If you know anything, anything at all, you need to tell me." I'm trying so hard not to roll my eyes whenever I see him.

He nods, and I can see the tension in his eyes. "I'll let you know if I find anything."

As I drive back to headquarters, I can't shake the feeling that Yeonjun is holding something back. But right now, we need all the information we can get.

Back at HQ, Felix and Minho are waiting with more details about Kang Joon-ho.

"I don't know if I should say if it is good news or bad but...." Felix says.

Who knows what the news will be that Felix knows 🫣

(A.N: Another updated yayy)

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