Chapter 66

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Kazan Uzumaki fought a great battle against Kisame Hoshigaki. Fire and water came to and fro, clashing everywhere and destroying the nearby trees or boulders. The two powerful shinobi, less human and more like monsters, fought a ferocious battle and neither backed down;  they gave it their all.

Kisame made water like a flood come and Kazan evaporated it with a swing from his shamshir. Pillars of fire came up from the ground, turning day into night, and Kazan in his Surya mode shone like the sun. The shamshir lost it's colour of steel and looked like obsidian. Then, ashes came and formed an army of skeletons.

The black skeletons of ash came and grabbed Kisame, their hands as hot as hot steel and Kisame struggled to get out. Kazan's intense fire came to his heat and then, he struck. A massive blaze of fire that was 5,600° C hot came and incinerated Kisame Hoshigaki in a fiery inferno of death.

The Surya mode died down and Kazan killed the heat. He believed himself to have won and Orochimaru cane and took full advantage of this moment.

Orochimaru used his sage mode ability to shift the ground and attack Kazan. The elder Uzumaki was protected by his chakra armor and several reanimations came to face him. Kazan swung his sword and incinerated them easily. He prepared to take his arrows to seal them but snakes came out of the ground and stopped him from doing so. Kazan burned the snakes and he sent fire towards the reanimations. This was the perfect oppurtunity to strike.

Using his snake sage mode, Orochimaru shot the 'great white technique' and Kazan's eyes and ears were affected by the bright lights and loud noise. All of Orochimaru's reanimations attacked and severely weakened the chakra armor further. Orochimaru sent a barrage of Amaterasu coated yasaka beads from his Susanoo and destroyed the last renmants of Kazan's chakra dome.

Then, Orochimaru stabbed the elder Uzumaki with his Kusanagi, the poison quickly travelling through Kazan's veins and the elder fell to his knee. Kazan still had the will to fight in him and Orochimaru shot a wind jutsu that sent Kazan crashing.

''Sad that Kisame and Hidan weren't upto the challenge but at least you got rid of them for me,'' Orochimaru said to Kazan. ''I must thank you for that one, Kazan Uzumaki.''

Kazan glared hatefully at the mad snake of a man. ''You waited for me to kill them, just so that you could take advantage of my weakened state. You are a coward, Orochimaru.''

''How dare you speak to lord Orochimaru like that, you old man,'' the reanimated Kimimaro said to Kazan. ''I should kill you now.''

''Leave him be, Kimimaro. He's not worth our time,'' Orochimaru told his ever-loyal servant. ''I don't want to waste anymore of our precious time,'' he said and moved;  his reanimated servants following him. ''Destroy anyone and anything that comes to stop you. But, spare the city. I want to rule it when I finally possess Naruto and become a god.''

Orochimaru and his reanimated servants infiltrated Indraprastha and quickly eliminated the ninja and silver wraiths guarding the building. The building was breached and the security seals burned away by powerful seal destroyers. The walls and doors protecting the clan masks were destroyed and Orochimaru entered to collect them.

He found the mask he needed;  he grabbed it and he hurridly went out of Indraprastha to seek Naruto.

Flying atop Shax, Naruto searched for his wife, who had fled Hastinapur in sorrow. Divination helped him to easily find her location and she stood, staring at a waterfall. Shax flew down and Naruto jumped to the ground.

He approached her and she did not twitch even by the slightest. She was hurt and he could sense it. He regretted at having chosen his words so poorly. He walked closer to her still and then stopped. He took a deep breath to calm himself but he did not know how best to apologize to her.

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