Chapter 65

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      -Village Hidden in the Leaves-

Atop his fortified tower complex on Hokage Mount, Danzo was not having a good time. News reached him of Naruto's proposal to the Leaf ninja and he had just learned that Hiromi Namikaze had freed the inmates of Camp-21. Kakashi Hatake and his platoon had openly defected and many teams were already onboard with the jonin.

Danzo knew that his position as Hokage was being threatened and he immediately ordered for his Foundation troops to begin an escape.

However, that was now becoming a lot more difficult than he anticipated.

The civilian population of the Leaf armed themselves with construction tools, sticks, axes, knives and whatever that they could find and began a rebellion against Danzo. They were in the tens of thousands and the Foundation ANBU inside the village were not even 30.

''Lord Danzo, what do we do?'' an agent came and asked him that.

With anger, frustration, betrayal and madness in his voice, Danzo ordered, ''They're all traitors. Traitors! Kill them all! Leave no survivors!''

''Hey, what's going on?'' Inoichi asked as he and the clan heads, staying in the Akimichi diner, looked out the windows and saw a mob forming. They were headed towards the new tower on Hokage Mount.

''The civilians are forming a mob?'' Tsume asked out loud, finding it hard to believe.

''How do we act?'' Choza asked them.

''I think it's obvious,'' Shibi Aburame told them. The idea was to aid the civilians and topple Danzo.

The Leaf policemen came out with their shields to form a shield-wall to stop the mob. The mob pushed carts at the shield-wall and they stormed in, fighting the oppressive policemen and many of them died. The Leaf policemen tried retreating behind a makeshift wall of long bamboo but the civilian mob kept pushing and some even climbed. Eventually, the wall of bamboo was breached and the mob stormed in as more and more civilians joined.

They took hold of the policemen and began beating them up. The mob was merciless on the policemen;  limbs were ripped apart and severed and the remains of the deceased policemen were thrown like flowers. The corpses of the policemen were horrifically mutilated beyond recognition. Those members of the mob who were wounded were trampled to death by the others.

The Foundation ANBU came and shot their jutsu and threw shuriken at the mob. Dozens fell and the Foundation charged. Behind the mob, the indoctrinated children came with knives and sticks to kill the mob in Danzo's name. It was a horrific massacre and about a hundred of the mob were dead. However, the mob still attacked, hoping that their superior numbers would win.

The clan heads acted and Choza threw a bunch of construction bamboo poles and iron tiles at the Foundation ANBU. Shibi's insects came and began to attack the Foundation nin. Shikaku Nara pulled the indoctrinated children back and Tsume Inuzuka came with a fang over fang and slaughtered them.

As the clan heads continued their assault, a lone mother walked up to the now lifeless body of her son. He was dead, indoctrinated by Danzo's belief, fighting against his family and killed by the ninjas of the Leaf.

The Foundation jumped up to attack Choza but Inoichi used his clan's mind scrambling jutsu to rot their brains. Blood and melted flesh came out of their noses, ears and eyes and they fell down in pain. Shikaku used his shadow tendrils to kill two Foundation ninja and Tsume destroyed the last of the makeshift fortifications with her fang over fang. The majority of Danzo's Foundation were already dead and the clan heads charged forward.

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