Texting my sister(57)

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"Then the poor prodigy go overseas to play but due to cultural shock and language barrier, They can't meet expectation and after two or three years they come back to Japan and then spend the rest of their carrier in a midlevel domestique league"

"As long as this scenario continues to repeat itself. Japanese soccer is destined to stay third rate, you will never be able to produce a world-class striker" Ego explained and his words seem to have stunned the old bald man.

While the other old man just shouted"B-But we have a budget to consider, We need some sort of income!"

"Then let me ask you one thing...What exactly is talent..."Ego said looking at them with eyes that demanded an answer or dared them to give an answer depending on how you looked at it.

Everybody inside the room decided to stay quiet and some of them started to chatter and whisper to each other.

"Natural ability one his born with or gifted physical ability," Ego said explaining what the usual definition of talent is.

"But if you ask me that stuff is nothing but rare ore, Listen up...
Talent is the power to demonstrate your abilities. People who wager their lives and trust in the ability they dream of, then show the world.
That's what I call a genius" Ego explained while his glasses gave a strange white glow as his eyes remained hidden behind them.

"I will produce a genius in blue lock and it will be proof I have wagered my life, "Ego said as his eyes seem to glow with a strange sense of power and a weird aura started to appear all over his body.

The aura felt familiar to that of soccer players when they were about to give it their all, this either meant two things.

Either Ego used to be a soccer player or he was able to master the mentality of a great soccer player.

Some people in the room seem to be intimidated by his aura but the bald old man just looked at him and smiled.

"I see, then I can't wait to see it Ego-kun I just want to remember that we won't forgive failure, "The old man said smiling.

Pov change
Nakada lay on his bed sending messages to his sister as he was not doing anything as of now.
<What are you doing>sister
<Just resting>You
<When are you going to get a girlfriend> Sister.
<I am not interested as of now>You
<why not>Sister
<it seems like a pain in the ass and I want to live a life without any drama>You
<Arent football player usually in drama most of the time>Sister

<That is something else entirely>You
<Is it really>Sister
<Yes, it is>You
<what if I introduce you to someone>Sister
<I reject then>You
<Why are so cold>Sister
<Why are you always trying to meddle with my life>You

<Because I don't want you to grow up to be one of those old and grumpy adults that only watch sports in their late thirties while saying stuff back in my days I could do better than this, living in a big house while also being lonely as hell>Sister
<That was awfully specific, is this how you think I will end up like>You

< I am not saying that how you would end up like but it is something similar to that>Sister
<if I know you, I know for a fact you are not stopping unless I accept>You

<I have a lot of free time>Sister
<You wouldn't would you>You
<Try me>Sister
<Fine, I will try, no promise though>You
<Finally, after two years of bugging you I have succeeded>Sister

<Dont you boyfriend, go talk to him, leave me out of this>You
<You sound like a child>You
<How can I sound like a dumbass when you can't even hear me,>Sister
<.....I have training in a few minutes so I'm leaving bye>You
<Dont you dare change the subject and leave me here>Sister

After reading the message I closed my phone as I didn't feel like I needed to deal with her bullshit any further for today.

I'm sure she will find someone else to annoy but first let me close my phone and put it somewhere safe.

After putting the phone down, I stood up and stretch myself a bit more, I probably will do some stamina training today.

I need a stronger body if I want to be able to sustain my flow state for a long time, I can enter the first level realistically quickly with no problem whatsoever.

My problem doesn't really lie in that fact, it is more like the more advanced form of the flow just destroys my physic so quickly.

Chapter 68 preview
Adam core strength was great and Nishioka was unable to fully get rid of him, he then acted like he was going to kick the ball using his other feet that was currently behind him but instead, he decided to do a double spin.

With the small amount of space he had, he managed to kick the ball high in the air, Nakada appeared in the air his feet were already in the air ready to kick the ball.
Next chapter preview
Nakada passed the ball to Bachira saying" Mind if I join"
"The more the merrier"Bachira said with a smile on his face

"1 vs 1, you against me" Nakada said stretching a bit.
"You read my mind," Bachira said excitedly.
"Let's see what your monster can do, "Nakada said smiling and just like that the two of them got into a match.

A/N....yes...i am very far ahead of you guys and yes...I may have a bit too much free time

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