1 vs 5 (68)

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Nakada eyes glowed a strange color before he started to run up the field with the ball at his feet dribbling past by anyone that came anywhere near him.

His dribbling style was way different than the one he used earlier, it seemed to be a mix of his instinct and creativity.

It was as if he was breathing life into the ball itself, as he dribbles past Adam, his style of dribbling looked like Lavinho.
It was basically freestyle; he would do stuff to the ball that seem to be impossible but due to the state he was in.

Everything was possible for him, He rainbow-flicked the ball over Adam head, before he proceeded to do a heel flick turn as the ball landed.

As he approached Silva, he decided to drag the ball from left to right. As Silva got close to Nakada he said.
"You aren't getting past me kid "To which Nakada just smile before proceeding to do a Roulette.

"You good"Loki said as he appeared in front of Nakada.
Nakada breathed in heavily before, he decided to play around with the ball making it go behind his leg and using his left leg to push the ball back in front.

He then acted like he was going to do that again but instead this time, he kicked the ball harder causing it to go in between Loki leg.

"A man shouldn't have such loose legs"Nakada said as he dashes past Loki.
He then evaded Cabassos by acting like he was going to a spin but instead of using the leg in front to drag the ball around his used the leg behind.

He was ambidextrous for Christ sake, it was about time he shows that to the world.
As he met Luna as his last obstacle, Nakada decided to use his heels to flick the ball before using the leg in front to suddenly change the ball direction.

This action causes Luna to be off guard just enough so that Nakada could get through and with nobody left for him to dribble past.

He proceeded to do a roulette to fully get rid of Luna grip on him, while doing the roulette.
He flicked the ball up to just be above his head.

He then jump in the air the ball being the only thing he could see before he kicked the ball with all he had. (A/N he basically flicked the ball up before he moved his body in a way that he could follow it up with a bicycle kick)

The ball flew toward the goal and the goalkeeper jump to get it, the ball flew by the goalkeeper's hands and hit the post.

Nakada immediately got up and chased after the ball, he would not mess it up twice.
As the ball landed near Nagi, Cabassos was already on him trying to press him but with the prodigy eyes being pure black.

He decided that while his back was still turn to Cabassos and the fact that the ball was still up on the air.

The prodigy decided to flick the ball up with his back turn to Cabassos before he ran past the professional.

He then acted like he was about to shoot the ball but instead dragged it across the floor with his feet upon noticing Silva blocking his shot.

He then passed the ball to Nishioka and with his eyes being pitch black it seemed like he had awakened.

Nishioka came face-to-face with Adam and with his eyes darken, he proceeded to drag the ball around using his feet.

He then dragged the ball back to his heel where he proceeded to kick the ball in between Adam leg before running past him.

Adam core strength was great and Nishioka was unable to fully get rid of him, he then acted like he was going to kick the ball using his other feet that was currently behind him but instead, he decided to do a double spin.

With the small amount of space he had, he managed to kick the ball high in the air, Nakada appeared in the air his feet were already in the air ready to kick the ball.

While Nakada was around a meter and some centimeter in the air, Nishioka had sprained his ankle, one of his ligaments seem to have torn.

He however played through it, Nakada eyes fully darken as he had achieved what he set out to achieve right now it was only him and the ball.

His environment turned dark and any sound from the outside world was cut off, he, the ball and the goal remained.

His leg moved at an incredible speed, he kicked the ball in a way where he added a tremendous amount of spun to it but at the same time, the ball possessed a lot of power.

A perfect fusion between his Nakada impact and his Phoenix shot, now the only obstacle left to this beautiful shot was the goalkeeper.

After he kicked the ball, Nakada's consciousness left him, he had passes pit cold right there after that kick.

His body no longer had enough energy to function, his body had given out on him, the strain of staying in the flow for so long along with the fact that meta vision was active the whole time devoured his stamina.

Next chapter preview

"Blue lock will change Japanese soccer forever"Ego said as his eyes spun around like crazy.
Everybody else in the room were just memorize by what they saw.

Sure the match was mostly Nakada vs the world five but the fact that his teammates could keep up spoke volume to what this program could do.

Maybe this program could be beneficial to them after all.
Chapter preview

"And with perfect timing, Jinpachi ego went and picked a fight with the U-20 Rep"The fat man said smiling.
His face darkened a bit and he had a devious look on his face while the bootlicking man just smiled.
"I see, so we can turn a profit while also destroying the blue lock project destroying two birds with one stone"The man said smiling himself but his more was more open and his eyes looked a bit more tired than the director

"Dam right, let kick there sorry ass"The director said happy to which the man just scratch the back of his head awkwardly while saying "Yes sir"

A/N comment down below what you think happen....

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